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broken ankles

Getting juked so bad you fall down.

"Damn you got broken ankles after that."

by Bochy October 23, 2007

132πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

Broken heart

When the one you love looks at you differently, and you notice that he doesn't love you anymore. You can't help but cry and be angry at the world. Your friends try to say "it will all get better in time" but you just want to yell at them "NO IT WONT! IT NEVER WILL" Its a pain that wont escape you. And for a while, life as you know it will have ended.

"Why can't you just stop thinking about it and follow your heart?"

"Because... he broke my heart!"

"Somebody call 911, theres a girl with a broken heart"

by Shannon Mug February 19, 2009

547πŸ‘ 100πŸ‘Ž

broken man

A person who has constantly accumulated irreputable damage throughout their entire life. Damage which cannot be easily repaired if at all. Also someone who has been beaten into submission by life's adversities or has given up on trying to overcome the obstacles.

A song by Metallica called, The Unforgiven might be about a broken man.

There's an old broken man living up the street who hides in his house all the time.

by honestguy87110 August 16, 2009

210πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž

Broken Heart

when someone who's had a million good reasons to take care of your heart but decides to throw it away like it was nothing.

She's given up on love because of too many Broken Hearts.

by sparkswillfly January 30, 2012

33πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Broken Heart

its agony, complete excrusating agony,

its like your heart was ripped out of your chest and stomped on and you cant breathe,

you dont wanna eat you cant function its the most intense pain you'll ever feel and the worst part is theres no way to relieve it its unhealding torture but only time...

There was no way to heal my broken heart.

by Love hurts November 12, 2009

191πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž

broken comedy

when you laugh at something that is just not meant to be funny.

Friend #1: what you laughing about?
Friend #2: whanos

Friend #1: wtf is whanos?
Friend #2: it’s a whale crossed with thanos

Friend #1: 🀦🏻 ♂️
Friend #2: πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Friend #1: that’s some next level broken comedy

by Senpai637382 August 10, 2020

24πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Broken Beat

broh-kuhn beet Noun, Verb, Adjective

(Used mainly for categorization and/or to specify a group of musical genres as a whole)

– Verb
1. Past participle of breaks and/or break-beat.

– Adjective
1. to reduce music to fragments; fragmented samples.
2. ruptured; torn; not smooth; rough or irregular; fractured measures in music and/or song repetitively.
3. sound not functioning properly; out of working/playing order.
4. disrupted, sliced, and/or disconnected vigorously throughout playing.

- Noun
1. A term used to describe broken period within a unspecified time measured in music.
2. A specific categorization of a type of music and/or genre(s) of music
3. What takes place after slicing, disrupting, "glitching" and/or cutting up music, song and/or track.

She still djs that broken beat.

I'm digging the dj, those broken beats are wicked.

Cant wait to dance my pants off to those broken beats.

You'll never here trance music at a broken beats event.

That new track i made yesterday was some of the best broken beat i have ever heard.

by the Junglist March 15, 2011