A singular genderless term to refer to objects.
Using ce/cim or cer/cis.
Not meant to refer to people.
My car, ce has been doing well after I took cim to the workshop.
Leading digital marketing studio that helps you to develop stunning, incomparable appeal for your Brand.
Work with trained and trusted CE Studios creative team to Stand out as the best.
Leading Digital Marketing Studio that helps you to develop stunning incomparable appeal for your brand.
Work with trained and trusted CE Studios creative team to Grow your business Professionally.
,,Ce bune sunt vivaurile HehEEE,, which translates to How good are the viva heheee is a phrase which was created by my beloved friend which name I will not provide for legal measures.The comedy in this phrase is that ,the respective individual was high on weed and chew on viva for 1 continuous hour while saying ,,Ce bune sunt vivaurile HehEEE,,
My god I think this weed got me
*5 mins later*
Ce bune sunt vivaurile HehEEE
interpostion, exclamation; Roman dialectical/ slang:
• When you say to IRL Marcello
• When you say hi to someone referring to him as "Marcello" (> Cello > Ce) as anybody is or can be Marcello.
• As a way to show your disregard towards an inconsistent argument, or in despite of something improbable
• As a way to show your discontent towards a general situation or event
• 'Ce' can be used as a substitute single noun for: man, dude, bro, etc.
"Things will get better with President Trump"
"Sure, Ciao Ce!"
"I'm gonna go home with the hottest chick in the club tonight"
"Yes you are.. Ciao Ce!"
"Ok I guess I'll see you later, Ciao Ce"
"Hey look man its one of the new IC CE's!"
"Awesome dude!"
A really stupid guy that keeps on constantly telling people to sub to him to reach 100k, and that he makes alot of jokes to hide how insecure he is
“I just wanna reach 100k man, im a piece of human poopoo”
- Sl!CE
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