doesn't meet his girlfriend for years on end.
"Oh I haven't seen my girlfriend in 5 years."
"You're such a henry cai."
1. n: The elevated confidence felt while on vacation, usually in a foreign location.
2. n: Sudden loss of doubt, in regards to approaching opposite sex, upon arriving at a vacation destination.
3. n: Unexplained increase in sexual activity while away from home.
You are not allowed to tell anyone about this weekend, my vay-cay-swag was in full effect.
Ugly Tom was getting girls all weekend, it must have been that vay-cay-swag.
A very important figure of an insurance company. Everyone loves him.
Wow! Thats my idol Kevin Cai! He's so cool!
When someone flashes there shit covered penis while wearing a dark trench coat in public.
Oh man did you hear about charlie he pulled a dirty Cai the other day
the greatest asian to walk this fucking eath
dam that kid is such a khei cai
your either here because you misspelled cat or you spell k like cay and must die
person 1:Almost made it back
person 2:Cay
911: 911 Whats your emergency
person 1:Can I get 20 cops to REDACTED
911:What is the nature of the emergency
person 1:They said c-a-y instead of k
911:They will be there in 5 minutes