The Charizard Paradox is a phenomenon in Pokémon and similar franchises where a character has a limited number of “types” it can have and is forced to exclude certain important aspects from its typing in order for equally important aspects to be included in its typing.
This phenomenon was originally named by Pokemon YouTuber MandJtv in his video titled The Charizard Paradox.
Guy 1: wait this thing isn’t evil type? But it’s super evil. That’s like it’s whole thing.
Guy 2: well it’s also a ghost plant thing. It’s ghost plant type.
Guy 1: but it being evil is like equally important as it being a ghost.
Guy 2: it’s also equally important that it’s a plant.
Guy 1: damnit it’s The Charizard Paradox.
someone who hates BBL Drizzy
Person 1 (to BBL Drizzy) : Man you ugly I really don't like you
BBL Drizzy : Hey man don't be such a milo "munto" charizarding
A mix of the angry dragon, charizarding, and the french microphone (or angry charizarding and the french microphone)
When you give a bitch an angry charizard and then she gives the person behind her a french microphone
"I gave my bitch an french angry charizard yesterday"
"what the fuck is french angry charizarding"
"look it up on urban dictionary and while you're at it follow flippin_farts on tiktok"
"im gonna guve my bitch a french angry charizard!"
When a guy uses gasoline as lube and gives anal sex to someone and after he finishes lights the gasoline and penis aflame while it's still inside his partner
Last night me and Stacy did charizard's tail.
When your girl lights your dick on fire and puts it out with her vagina and then she flaps her arms like wings and says "You can't defeat me son!"
your mom reverse charizarding me last night