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chicken nugget syndrome

When you are obsessed with chicken nuggets and it's all you can think of!

Teacher: What is the answer to 23x44?

Student:CHICKEN NUGGET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There you go, A perfect example of chicken nugget syndrome

by machel mish tank u September 6, 2010

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Hairy chicken nugget

Hairy chicken nuggets are very hairy, probably fell on the flour a couple of times.

Oh no, your hairy chicken nugget fell on the floor! Now eat it!

by Puffshroom December 29, 2022

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Chicken nugget couple

A chicken nugget couple is a fat black girl who is in a relationship with a small white male. They tend to fight over food hence why their known as the chicken nugget couple

Tom "look at that couple fighting over the last fry" george " yeah they are just a chicken nugget couple"

by goddamnilikeit December 31, 2015

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chicken nuggets

"Chicken nugget" AKA side bitch or mistress the go to girls when your bottom bitch out of town or just not DTF that day

Brah your old lady dont get pissed about all the chicken nuggets you got on speed dial?

by kyle stryker September 4, 2016

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Chicken Nugget

When you are fucking a girl doggie style and you put your arms through in between her legs and grab the back of her arms and lift her into the air and continue fucking her

Dude, I chicken nuggeted my girl last night!

by Biiiiiiggbooooyy69 February 10, 2017

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greasy chicken nugget

Naughty boy. Someone who like to hop on the fame of someone else when they where unknown. A person who was slayed by Louis Tomlison and Directioners.

Naughty boy is a greasy chicken nugget

by Ziamshipper July 8, 2015

fucking chicken nugget

an exclamation used in Smash when you get hit by Samus charge shot

fucking chicken nugget! not that move again!

by smashmichael March 12, 2015

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