Political Correctness - The ideal that forces people, through peer-pressure, to use certain words or act in a certain way as to not cause offence to anyone.
Taking the idea of equality to the extreme.
Often championed by the BBC, who not only use politically correct terms, but often use the "token black man/token female" in many programmes and features.
A tool frequently used by New Labour.
The eradicator of free-speech.
The root of everything that is wrong with society today.
A shot-arse is not "physically challenged", he/she is a short arse.
A dumbass is not "mentally challenged", he/she is a dumbass.
A binman is not a "refuse collector", he/she is a binman.
A postman is not a "letter carrier", he/she is a postman.
The loser in a boxing match did not "finish second place", he/she lost!
Political Correctness is a plague on modern society.
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The thing on your phone that changes things like danget to donut.
My Auto-cucumber keeps maple my texts all walnut.
I just turned Auto-correct off.
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Often, the biggest defenders of free speach are the liberals. In the case of political correctness (PC) the liberals are killing the 1st amendment. PC is an idea to replace everything that could be considered "ofensive" (whether they are or not) with a more complicated term that may or may not be more offensive (midget-vertically challanged/dwarf or retarded-mentally challanged). Some of the most used PC terms are racial (African American, Hispanic American, Caucasian American, Native American etc)Why can't we all just be Americans?
political correctness is really idiotic way to make sure no one ever has a reason to be angry about anything. Half the time anger brings upon social reform. Alot like Newspeak. PC also makes it almost imposible to give a personel opinion. The Nazis also used a form of PC (they "dealt with the Jewish problem")
Black-African American
Beaner-Hispanic American
White-Caucasian American
Asian-Asian American
Retard-Mentally Challanged
Midget/short-Verticall Challanged
Fired-Laid Off/Let Go
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Uranus = urine-ness
harass = harris
what the fuck,over?
political correctness is gay!
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The elimination of common sense to please everyone so no one, especially a minority, is offended. Institutionalized brainwashing invented by facist liberals to advance socialism and eliminate cultural/social/gender differences that, for some reason, may offend the very few. The irony is that politcal correectness is offensive in itself. According to politcal correctness, identifying a person by their race i..e “black” insinuates bigotry or that persons who want a control on illegal immigration are racists. Political correctness is the dumbest philosophy and has become a laughing stock today. When hearing politically correct people speak, I just want to punch them in their face. They sound condescending and act like we are a bunch of racist, socially-challenged nitwits who can’t think for ourselves. The funny thing about politically correct people is that they don’t know what they believe, and walk around and talk like they’re in Oz and oblivious to society. It’s the politically correct morons that are the real idiots and not the regular people. It is out of control in America. Examples mof political correctness:
heavily laden, weight challenged, person of size
visually impaired, visually challenged (when it's not a challenge and no ability is present)
Guns: firearms
Retarded: mentally challenged
Skinny: slim, lean
African American. How can you be African while being American? You can also be African without being black. Some “Africans” are even white.
Minority: person of color
humankind so not to offend women. Ironically, MANkind refers to both sexes.
Old: elderly
Gay: homosexual, different sexual orientation
Gambling: gaming
Lying: misleading
Illegal alien: migrant, guestworker
Mexico: south of the border
Hispanic: Latino
Indian: south Asian or just Asian
Chinese, Japanese, Koran, Vietnamese: oriental, but:
Oriental: Asian
little people, while “little people” can identify children
Short: vertically challenged
Politcal correctness makes Universties who's team name honors an indian tribe to be changed, for fear of offending them.
Political correctness will not allow U.S. troops to invade mosques in Iraq to search for WMD, knowing full well they are present, for the fear of offending Muslims.
Political coreectness demands unisex bathrooms.
Politcal correctness allows Muslims (and only Muslims) to have their own “prayer rooms” in airports.
Political correctness allows Musliim male cab drivers to refuse to pick up female passengers.
Politcal correctness, led by the ACLU, demands the removal of the Ten Commandments and Nativity scenes from public view, due to the fraudulent belief of “seperation of church and state.”
Political correctness allows women to attend all-male schools but wont allow men to attend all-female schools.
If you don’t believe that political correctness is bad, just look what it has done to Europe: they longer know what they believe as their society continues to erode and decay.
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A bunch left wing, communist bullshit, implemented by the left in a shitfucked attempt to control what others say. A typical advocate of "PC" is identified by the following characteristics.
1. The inability to think for themselves.
2. The inability to speak for themsleves.
3. The gross inabilty to let anyone else express a differing point of view without shouting "You can't say that!" You can't say that"! like some idiotic communist parrot.
4. The use of meaningless 20 syllable words in a vain attempt to sound "educated" when a 3 syllable word word would work perfectly.
5. Numerous bruises and scars, as a result of being told to Fuck Off and getting punched out by the targets of thier Speech Police tactics.
PC: coffee without milk
Normal: Black Coffee
Normal: Fag, canoe licker, rump Ranger, Ass pirate.
PC:Economically challeneged
Normal: Dirt fucking poor
PC: intellectually challenged
Normal: Stupid
These are but a few examples of the idiocy of political correctness
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*adj*; the tendency of some systems to return to normal conditions after a disruption. For example, a spinning gyroscope will return to its original inclination if you push it away. The term is usually applied to theories about how the economy works.
Economists traditionally describe market economies as self-correcting. However, when depressions or recessions strike, they are usually obligated to help the process along.
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