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damp fish

When the techno freak leaves a combination of a wet dolphin and epiphany in a public washroom without wiping his feet first.

Someone left 1 a damp fish in here...again.

by wewewewe May 20, 2006

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The practice of leaving the washroom with wet hands, usually down to not being able to use the hand dryer. Generally happens in mensrooms to avoid guys having to hang around uncomfortably whilst they wait for a dryer to become free.

Katie: Boy you're clammy. Are you nervous cuz this is our first *proper* date?
Chet: Get over yourself. It's just the result of a damp-out. Dryer was out of order and these are my best khakis.

by dickyboy July 20, 2006

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Damp Donkey

When ones douses an asshole, they then morph into damp donkeys and everyone knows they are an ass and you're a hero.

Ted: I hate our professor, he's such a dick
Bill: Lets drench him next class with syrup so he'll be the new damp donkey.

by Stumpy Stumps June 26, 2010

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Damp Salsa

If you don't know already know, you never want to know. That shit is fucked up!

Guy 1: Man that chick is so hot

Guy 2: Seriously dude don't go there, i heard she did a 'damp salsa' with the guy behind the bar

Guy 1: Oh what the fuck....

by 8634 January 23, 2010

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Tramp Damp

When a vagina becomes sexually aroused and wet based on an interaction with or the presence of another female friend; the female equivalent to a broner.

Adrienne and I were having a great evening together, just eating ice cream and watching Sex and the City, which totally made me tramp damp.

by EBF Genius February 22, 2010

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Damp Cat

Imagine soggy biscuit, but with a cat...

Dan: Fancy a game of soggy biscuit tonight?
George: Nah mate, I'm playing damp cat

by rozzzzzzaaa June 21, 2009

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Damp Wood

"kahoy" na may boyfriend na at hindi mo na pwedeng basain ng man gravy mo

Ayyyy Shit man "kahoy" sana kaso Damp Wood na eh binasa na ni edgar.....

by erniemanzero and RagdeOnicro January 31, 2008

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