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The sensation of falling off the Golden Gate Bridge every single day.

...I sincerely pray that I never wake up to find myself doing it in real life...

Have you ever noticed that 'depression' and 'drown' begin with the same letter?

Depression can open your eyes in frightening ways.

by Laurence7 March 7, 2009

41πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


being depressed, or having depression -something that is never understood by people who have not experienced it

Depressed: There are illnesses that kill you. And illnesses that make you want to kill yourself... Depression fucks people up

by xXxBruisePristinexXx May 18, 2006

487πŸ‘ 219πŸ‘Ž


Being depressed means always having a weight holding you down it means wanting help but being to stubborn to reach out to get it being depressed is a constant battle of being confused and always wanting to cry but you know you can’t because then your losing your battle but you question if losing that battle is worth it you want to be noticed but you don’t wanna draw attention to yourself . You suck it up and just try your hardest to smile when your dying inside . Depression is a giant pool that once you dip your toes in it consumes your whole body , your mind , your heart and most importantly your emotions.

She was so tired of being depressed that she couldn’t take the pain and ended her sweet innocent life .

by Kermitfeelspaintoo November 19, 2018

10πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


The word you use when you are upset about something very petty. (Pronounced depresh)

β€œThe guy I like just got into a relationship with someone else. Depress”

by Bluejay_Poppy April 2, 2019

9πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


When you are having a rough time, and all you think about is how people neglected you in your life. Listen, if you're actually depressed, I'm here for you, okay?

Don't be Depressed, we can do this together.

by We can do it together... February 7, 2018

19πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


when you are stuck in a negative state of mind. you lose all motivation for school and having a social life is extremely difficult because when you are depressed you are boring to be around and your negative vibes are not wanted (at least thats how it feels to a depressed person). you feel like if your life was a youtube video, the majority of the comments on it would say "Fail"

you have to force smiles to prevent people from commenting about how fucking miserable and sad you look, and at the lunch table someone usually will comment: "Wow has anyone ever seen _________(fill in name of depressed person) laugh?"

you cant just decide to be happy and look on the positive side of things, you are stuck in this state of mind as long as you are in the same situation but it is very possible to get out of it in life changing events (like going to college, leaving a shitty small private school)

kid 1: hey look at that kid in the back of the room, he never smiles, i wonder what he's thinking about
kid 2:i think he's emo or something. hes so conceited i think he hates everyone
kid in the back: im not emo im depressed and i am the opposite of conceited

by wittyname January 16, 2010

31πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


This subject is not a joke

Depression is when someone is depressed

most causes of depression are

a loved one dying

having thoughts that upset them

get bullied at school or at his job

a recent break up

and etc.....

If you're someone who has a family member who's depressed then please help them before its to late....


by CanYouLikeNotPlease April 6, 2022

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