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elaine seel

A person with attitude and can be nice at times. Confidence in her self but sometime rubs of the wrong way. Pretty, normally black hair. Awkward in bed but has fun all the time. Movies all day long. Somewhat active.

Look it's elaine seel cool!

by Cooldudebrupotatochip June 19, 2017

Bethanie Elaine Smith

The coolest of the coolest, beautiful, charming, and darn near perfect. One of the best girlfriends, lovers, wifes anyone could ever ask for

That girl would love to be a total Bethanie Elaine Smith

by Beatrice Smithe April 26, 2010


State of boredom generally induced by a long, unpleasant interaction involving repetitive declarations or questions.

She went on and on and on with her questions, it was endless! I was totally Elained by the end of the evening!

by Evikay May 19, 2022

Elaine Paiged

Elaine Paige OBE is a British singer most well known for her work in musical theatre. She was well known for being slightly confrontational (in a funny way) during interviews. To be ‘Elaine Paged’ is to be roasted/insulted.

He got totally ‘Elaine Paiged’ in that diss track.

by TyskieTyskie April 20, 2020