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taking a foop

Fart poop. Meaning to fart and poop simultaneously.

James was taking a foop when he suddenly realized he was out of toilet paper.

He guys, I'm gonna go take a foop.

by Heb jenkinsloop March 12, 2014

da foops

One can have ‘da foops’ however the true meaning is unknown. Usually used as an insult. It is also possible to catch ‘da foops’

“Oh my god! Your mums got da foops!”

“I’ve heard if you play top trumps you’ve got a higher chance of catching da foops”

by The butts November 26, 2020

swell foop

A spoonerism for "fell swoop", that is, a single action which accomplishes multiple goals.

I deleted all my System32 files in one swell foop! Now I'll never get a virus again! Hey, what's with this blue screen of death?

by ekolis October 25, 2019

foop johnson

Foop Johnson is what a failed YouTube channel that played mostly Facade and Yandere Simulator ends up being. Now editing for people such as The Right Opinion, they have found their true talent.

Oh hey, did you see that new TRO video?
Sweet, oh hey, Foop Johnson edited a part!

by Lithium Junkie March 12, 2020

Group Foop

The act of jerking off over Xboxlive and or PS3N with at least 2 or more people joining into an orgy of jerking off over a video game console and or game, may or may not include a female in the mix, usually doesn't however as it's a long process of men ejaculating to one another voices and moans. Normally ending in a group of men breathing very hard into their microphones and grunting as they finish their loads off carelessly into the wind, sometimes hitting people passing by.

"After a long night of trying hard at Call of Duty, Stan, John, Kevin, Joe, and Moe decided to party up, they attempted to ask Kristal to join into their marry making but she was much too busy with her 7 Children, the boys then begin to Group Foop over the party ending in a massive sausage feast and 5 happy Call of Duty try hards."

by Thatguy over there September 21, 2011

3👍 1👎

foop stick

Mostly refers to a young girl who has sex regularly with many different men.

"she duz only get on posh but she is a real foop stick"

by manwithart June 28, 2012

5👍 2👎


to fake poop, usually while at work or during class, with the goal of taking an unearned break or to send a text/make a phonecall/check your social networking site

Wife: I didn't expect you to call me, I thought you were at work?
Husband: Yeah, I'm fooping right now.

by byaaaaaaaa November 23, 2011

1👍 10👎