Basically the ruder version of saying man whore.
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1) For liberals and their media, it means the frat boy attitude. (Read the so-called white male privilege) The guy who thinks he is a big shot, but ain't shit. Fucks random women but avoids any commitment like the plague. The "politically correct" definition.
2) For everyone else, it means a weak-ass man with no spine. (Read mangina white knight, male feminist, emotional boys and the like) I read somewhere that it comes from prison culture, used to refer to prison bitches. The actual correct definition.
1) That guy fucked and dumped (insert slut's name), he is a fuck boy.
2) That guy's wife fucked the whole neighborhood behind his back and he still took her back and also agreed to take care of her kid without even asking for a DNA test, knowing she has been fucking around. Has been heard telling his friends that "she is a good girl, she just made a few mistakes, i cannot live without her " and some such. He is a fuckboy.
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A male who tends to think they're better or more skilled than they actually are; often bragging about their fake Jordan's and rich uncles, and brags about the muscles in their calves or their 'gains'.
"Didn't you like Anthony?"
"Nah, he's a fuck boy."
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A complete narcissistic asshole who somehow gets popularity/girls. He is really a complete fake bigot who does whatever he wants without consequence. A fuck boy it most common in high school and college. Watch out, you'll find them at frat parties. They get all this money from their rich parents . Talking about that, their parents really spoil him and pretend like the family is so fucking flawless. Do not trust a fucking fuckboy. They just want to take your virginity, money, and then slap you in the face.
Wtf, look at that fuck boy over there talking to those thots.
What a dick. I want to pull all his hair out.
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fษk - boi
An individual, normally a heterosexual male, that damages another individuals heart through the act of playerism. This includes and is not limited to sexual favors, emotional abuse, and verbal construct. Fuck boys are the equivalent to the standards of hoes.
Bob slept with Anna but he forgot to state that he was a relationship. He is such a fuck boy.
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A guy who knows you have feelings for him and continuously fucks with your head and emotions, making you question everything all the time
A guy who only talks to you through snapchat instead of just texting because it doesn't show up on a phone bill for his wife to see
A guy who is sending you snapchats while on his honeymoon
A guy who is always sending shirtless snapchats, but likes to make sure and mention that he's completely naked
A guy who waits until he is married to tell you that he thinks you're beautiful instead of mentioning it through all the years of your unrequited love.
A guy who makes you feel like a horrible person because he is flirting with you and sending you inappropriate things while he is married, but you know if you call him out on it he will find a way of turning it around and making you out to be the crazy person so you just pretend like everything is fine
Me- "So I got another inappropriate snapchat from him today."
All of my friends- "He is such a fuck boy. He deserves to be punched in the dick"
15๐ 7๐
A guy that will act nice to you and says he like you just to get his dick wet. DONT FALL FOR IT if he dosnt want a realtionship, drop him. Warn your friends because once he cant get with you hes gonna try your friends. Compleat douch that has no respect for girls.
- immiture teenage boys looking to see how many time he can get his dick sucked/wet
" bryce tried getting with me again, he kept commenting on my pictures and messaging me"
Friend" dont fall for it, he did the same to me and quinn and sarah total fuck boy"
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