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noun. one who is completey stupid/uneducated in the ways of the world; someone who thinks they know much about a subject, but they truly know nothing

John: Hey Mac? What does this meat look like to you?
Mac: I believe it's rhino meat. yeah... yeah, it's rhino meat.
Robert: What the hell? You fucktard! That's beef!

by mikal mafia April 12, 2009

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Function: noun, adjective

I do believe it is self explanatory

If you can't figure it out, YOU must be a fucktard as well.

by Malk September 16, 2005

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Someone who repeatedly proves to be a lower life form while attempting to make themselves interesting to others.

Britney Spears has once again proven to be a complete Fucktard by pulling that little marriage stunt.

by Hannah January 13, 2004

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To be defined a "fucktard", that person displays the not-so-favorable acts of stupidity (being a retard) and being an insensitive person (being a jerk or fuck). Usually fucktards are complete idiots who also act like jerks at the same time. to be called a "fucktard" is worse being called a "retard" or "fuck" alone.

Person 1: " My co-worker was being a fucktard again."
Person 2: "Really?! The hell did he do?"
Person 1: "He couldn't shut up bragging boning teenyboppers at work. And in FRONT of the manager."
Person 2: "Whoa! He IS a fucktard!"

by prototypeazn August 26, 2006

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A Retard is born mentally challenged and can't help it, a Fucktard MAKES A CHOICE to be that way.

A perfect example of a fucktard, would be a lamer, booter, shit-stirrer, and room lagger in yahoo chat. This includes those who are most likely to make idle threats over a mic or by font-fucking (fighting with others exclusively in type) in a chatroom, as they hide in their trailers behind a monitor. Were most likely picked on on the playground. They become superheros in chat in their own minds, yet remain fucktards in the minds of the more intellectual chatters, those who know how to use ignore.

Also a perpetual room troller looking for online sex. Including those begging for cams..aka cambeggars. Or exposers - "See my 1 inch dick on cam now!" They make great fucktards as well, being as they can't get sex off the net on their own, so they are fuck-tarded, Fuck/Fucking challenged.

by evil old grotty bitch April 15, 2006

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An asshole who is also a complete idiot.

You Fucktard.

by Captain Unicorn May 9, 2003

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An individual who decides to run for Congress as an independent while claiming to be a member of the Democratic party, although he circumvented the democratic process by not running in a primary out of fear of getting his ass kicked. Fucktards have zero experience in public office, no diplomas of any kind whatsoever from institutions of either secondary education or higher learning, and are often seen riding the coattails of their much more intelligent, capable, and successful brothers.

Jake Ford is a fucktard.

by Annoyed Democrat September 24, 2006

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