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A very ugly person

That girl is so ugly she is fugly

by instructor bob September 2, 2009

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A common abbreviation for the words "fucking" and "ugly".

Also occasionally used to describe a merely semi-attractive female porn actor commonly from homemade films. In this usage, "fugly" can be an abbreviation for either of "fuckable ugly" or "fappable ugly". A fugly is sometimes desired for a more realistic fapping when the fapper realizes that drop-dead gorgeous porn actors are way out of his reach, a thought that can sometimes be a complete bonerkill.

Anonymous 12/21/12(Fri)7:06:28 No.567293666

Post some fuglys. Give me a realistic fap. I don't want to fap to something I know I'll never be able to get.
Preferrably Motherless links.

by Anomalouse September 28, 2011

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Fucking Ugly.

Jane is Fugly because she hasn't hit puberty yet.

by Gay McRaffinsnuffleherzinmyer December 5, 2009

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there are actually two definitions for this word:

1. Fucking ugly
2. A person who is fat and ugly is referred to as fugly. Worse than just being ugly, but better than being fat, ugly and stupid.

"Man, did you see that girl? she was fugly as hell, bro!"

by DeDray April 13, 2010

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1. A word used to describe a condition way worse than just ugly.

2. A word used to infront of small children when you have just seen the ugliest thing in your life.

Holy cow! That is fugly! Where did you get it?

by Jouels January 12, 2010

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1. Fat and ugly put together

2. Fuckin ugly

1. That girl is soo fugly

2. The new girl in school is fugly

by mklhggyu February 27, 2010

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Fugly and beautiful at the same time.

One minute she’s fugly, next minute she’s beautiful. She’s fugliful

by User#13:) April 29, 2020