Hispanic/Latino slang for eating pussy.
Gato is the Spanish word for Cat. Cat being slang for woman’s pussy.
A GATO ATTACK or GATOATTACK is when someone eats a girl’s “cat.”
It also implies the person finds pleasure in ensuring a female partner reaches orgasm threw being eaten out.
Enjoys going down of female partner.
Im really into GATO ATTACK.
I ATTACKED her GATO last night.
I’m gonna ATTACK the cat. I’m gonna GATO ATTACK.
That one brown bearded Content Creator is really GATOATTACKs. I think his name is GATOATTACK?
Persona 1: Que es lo que guele a cagada de gato?
Persona 2:Es el Santi
akis o gatos translates as akis the cat, and it refers to a creature being abused by a female in thessalonikh, hes sister is called kara, is a victim of abuse too. Please send help!!!
"poios se gamaei esena paw na xaidepsw ton AKIS O GATOS kai esu klais"