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Gf day

go get a gf or appreciate the one u have:)

"I love my girlfriend<3 its gf day!"

by urmomhasherpes October 9, 2020

13👍 5👎


What a loser says online.
Means looking for girlfriend.

Common on maplestory
Same with L>Bf which means boyfriend.

21kiipz: L>GF!!!!!!!
f2fprid3: ILL BE UR GF! :^)

by H3LL04NN13 March 7, 2009

28👍 9👎

GF Aggro

Common World of Warcraft condition wherein a player's Girlfriend, wife, or significant other (GF) is or will become angry (Aggro) due to continued time in the game.

Them: LF Tank, quick VOA 25...

Me: no can do, GF Aggro. {/logout}

by Whisperwind Bahb July 30, 2009

17👍 6👎

armpit gf

An armpit gf is a woman who is so infatuated with her man's smell that that's all she wants to do. Sniffing her man's armpits even after the gym without a shower.

"Bella Swan is an armpit gf"

by hellboyslollipop January 17, 2023

Homie GF

A girl you’re in a relationship with but she’s also your homie, and even if you break up she’ll stay your homie.

She’s not just my girlfriend. She’s a full-on homie gf!

by Kruegertrooper May 6, 2021


your cousin who is also your gf

“who’s Aneesha?”
oh she’s my cousin-gf”

by yummygps May 6, 2022

tfw gf

you have made it in life my friend

person 1 : guess what
person 2 : what
person 1 : tfw gf :)

by gta3toilets March 1, 2017

6👍 2👎