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Goth is a kind of cultural movement, or anti-cultural even. They do not drink blood or sacrafice small children, nor do they eat bats and wear pvc and pale make up all the time.
Goths separate themselves from popular trends and fads only to find that goth itself is becoming a trend fast, goths aren't what they used to be.

Goths are cool, but theyr'e falling into the trap of cultural imitation.

by Citezen:Erased April 8, 2005

73๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž


Gothic culture and style is whatever the perpetrator wants it to be. Every individual has their own interpretation of what is and what is not Gothic. The style is based on a few basic common denominators: black usually being the precursor to the rest. A person who adopts the Gothic style will inevitably place their own mark on what is deemed to be 'Goth', variants in style, poise and demeanour are common among Goth's and no two are ever the same. Goth's as a sub-culture are undeniably the most misunderstood, the stereotypes portrayed by the media and other groups (i.e. the chav) are grossly inaccurate and offensive on occasion! 90% of the Gothic culture revolves around intellect, creativity and differentiation. A usual Goth will try to distance themselves from the 'norm' of society, sometimes to feel different, sometimes for attention (although on a temporary basis) but nine times out of ten it is just because they want to. A Goths' individuality is paramount, we do it because we want to and we do it because it makes us feel happy and secure within our own skin...nothing more.

Individual, creative, insightful, unique to themselves. These are presiding attributes of the Gothic culture.

by VIII June 7, 2005

20๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


Along with some history thingy about Vikings or another. Goth is a shallow label stuck onto some consumerist subculture originally cultivated as an architectural design, but has grossly mutated into a fashion statement for slightly alienated teens (and occasionally adults).

I have read a lot of these definitions, and most of them define the "true" goth and the "wannabe" goth. Let me just say this:

There is no difference.

It doesn't matter if someone spends $500 a week on mass-manufactured Hot Topic merchandise, or sits in their room for hours reading nihilist literature and/or casting spells from Barnes and Noble spellbooks. There is no label for it.

And no, there aren't different "subcategories" of the "goth" sphere. There are those that call themselves "goth", but how are they worse than those who call themselves "true" goths? Why not just be yourself and to hell with the labels?

There is no point saying "Most are teenage losers who need to validate themselves with fashion, but I, of course, am a true GOTH." It makes you sound just as arrogant and presumptuous.

Shop at Hot Topic, Abercrombie and Fitch, Value Village, wherever, just...

Don't bother categorizing everything, most especially fashion statements.

Wannabe: "I dress in black all the time and listen to Cradle Of Filth."

True: "I wear darker colors, most often black and medieval styles, and like to study philosophy and art. Wannabes suck."

Me: "I dress in red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, black, white, silver, and all colors and 'styles' in between. Is an emergency vest 'gothic'? My friends are the same ways, so give up the labels.

by Bumpy January 15, 2005

101๐Ÿ‘ 64๐Ÿ‘Ž


I hate all you steriotpyical bastards! I am gothic, I do not hate everyone. I DO NOT WEAR MAKE UP! I do not think im a vampire, i do not worship satin, i do not hate people because they dont dress "goth" i do not hate preps just because they are preps. People just see a kid wearing all black clothes and chains and stuff like that and they all think "omfg! its a santin worshiper!" thats really dumb. Because all the goths I know are WAY cooler and nicer than the prepy kids I know. So stop being so god damn steriotypical before i go "GOTHIC" on you and suck your blood!

Gothic people are just people that enjoy listening to GOOD music. Even though they dont dress "normal" they tend to think more normal than your average american.
woo go gothic culture

by the guy that shot 50 cent March 27, 2005

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While many think of goths as bloodsucking vampiric satanists, very little of that is true. It's not just about gobs of eyeliner and white face paint. It's about being who we ARE.

I am a goth. I am proud to be one. I don't think it matters if I dress in all black, because I'm nicer to ANYBODY than any chav could ever be? Why? Simple. Golden Rule. Too bad ignorant chavs and self centered preps have failed to realize that. And no, listening to Marilyn Manson will not make you 'goth'. Nor will he 'un-goth' you. Same with any band. I myself listen to bands like Crossfade and Disturbed, but then I also listen to heavier things like Metallica and Dragonforce. But it's not just music. It's how you are. And who you are. So before you pathetic chav's go to pick on that 'freak' think about this. Who's more pathetic? The kid in black or you, going to pick on him because your self esteem is too low and your ego too big. Not to mention your pants don't stay up.

Chav:look at that goth what a loserrrrr
Chav2:i know right? let's go make fun of that weirdo
Chav1:what are you, goth, a VAMPIRE?
Goth:uh no?
Chav2: he is definitely a vampire dude.
Goth:go away, your arrogance and ignorance combined are enough to bring the armageddon.
Chav1: dude this guy makes NO sense

by Darkshadow7965156 February 23, 2007

26๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. A persom whom embraces the macarbeness of life

2. (singular) A person from a pre history tribe of Germans

3. A style of architecture

PS: i would just like to say, Marylin manson is not goth but shock rock, or industrial, one of those. but any who his musics still good, and you gotta love that make up :)

John: hello steve i see that you are in some form enbracing the macarbness of life.

steve: yes indeed

john: by definition you would be performing a gothic act, but not necisarly making you a goth.

steve: indeed

John: lets go burn some heretics!

steve: bahahaha burn the heretics!

by David Gio October 7, 2005

26๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person who is themselves,so what if they wear darker clothing,and some,not all are depressed.they are people.they usually like different music/art then others,and are usually very funny and nice.

Look around,you'll find some.

by jordan January 31, 2004

60๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž