Source Code

bad grammar

The new language on the internet. It takes longer to read and comprehend the message than it takes to type the message.

EX. lolroflmao i jst did a hedshoot.
(Laughing Out Loud Rolling On the Floor Laughing My Ass off, I just did a headshot.)

decent grammar: John: Hey bob, want to play some Rumble Fighter with me later?

bad grammar: Narutoxx34761xxSasuke: dudz y u b3 meenz 2 mee fr33 stoofz plzzzzz!!!!

by Sonorously October 4, 2008

45๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Grammar Jew

A person with poor grammar, the opposite of a grammar nazi.

Joe: Hey there having a sale at Walmart!
Joe: Sorry, I'm a grammar jew.

by D'Brackus JJ Jabber Johnson II February 9, 2013

38๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Grammar Nazi

To the previous poster. It is spelled grammar, not grammer.

I know, I'm a grammar nazi

by Grammar-Nazi November 18, 2005

2313๐Ÿ‘ 593๐Ÿ‘Ž

Grammar abortion

when something is so riddled with spelling errors that it can be dubbed a grammar abortion.

1. hey man your comment on my post was a fucking grammar abortion.

by shredmeister310 November 22, 2011

grammar cracker

Something to be given to someone who refuses to correct their grammar.

Person 1: Oh' ma gawd man dats liek awesome
Person 2: God man, here's a Grammar Cracker

by BlazeFox December 20, 2013

Grammar drama

A form of miscommunication between two people of different racial or language background. Normally caused by one person trying really hard to say something or ask a question in the other person's language and totally failing at it.

Samuel: Dude! what took you so long. I've been waiting over an hour for you.

Lawrence: I'm sorry, i just got caught in a major grammar drama with some Chinese dude needing directions.

by I_amRidonqulous December 22, 2012

Grammar Police

Those who seek to have correct English written online. They are not opponents of free speech, or 1337. They merely wish that the fundamentals of English are withheld. They will correct bad Grammar and Spelling, and flame the use of ridiculous, Chav, MSN inspired abbreviations such as 'wuu2'. They are in full support of 1337, and support net slang.

Grammar Police are NOT in affiliation with Grammar Nazis.

-Comments on a youtube video-

Idiot1: man that video sucked! Your such a n00b!

GrammarPoliceDude: Correction, 'You're such a n00b'. You just referred to his 'such a n00b', and btw, the video did suck.

-On a forum-

Idiot2:Woah, I just saw Aliens outside my window! There just hovering above my garden!

GrammarPoliceDude17:'They're hovering', and no they bloody well aren't, you're just a lame 12 yr old, with nothing better to do than spam the internet.

Examples of Grammar Police

by V1N January 9, 2008

250๐Ÿ‘ 63๐Ÿ‘Ž