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guinea spike

the hairdo sported by most young italian men. It is characterized by a "fade" up to the ears, then 3-5 inch hair on the top of their head, dramatically spiked facing backward

"The Gotti Boys are the posterchildren for the guinea spike."

"He would have been attractive if not for that awful guinea spike."

by ccarlisle May 23, 2006

19๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

guinea horn

An oversized, massive clitoris that is so big that it can be frightening and occasionally mistaken for a male organ. It has been known to make grown men run for their lives.

Man, I got Cindy's pants off, dude, and started rubbing her crotch and she got a guinea horn that jumped up and sprang to life! Scared the crap outta me!

by Hornshark May 5, 2006

114๐Ÿ‘ 73๐Ÿ‘Ž

guinea bath

The act of splashing on copious amounts of cologne instead of actually washing oneself. The cologne is used to mask the scent of body odor. A.K.A guinea shower

I didn't have time to take a shower after the gym so I took a guinea bath before I hit the bar.

by pizza chavez June 8, 2011

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Swamp Guinea

White trash guidos that are the most obnoxious people in the neighborhood.

The diner was infested with swamp guineas last night.

My in laws are a bunch of Swamp Guineas from Belleville and call me everyday to argue.

Decided not to go to Surf Club because of the line of Swamp Guineas around the block.

by Stone Smooth August 8, 2011

47๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž

guinea pig

A small, cute, furry rodent commonly sold as a pet. Eats just about any kind of vegetable, comes in many colors, screeches loudly when hungry. Possesses roughly the intelligence of a cow; sheds a lot.
Origin: Comes from South America. Named either after the country of Guiana or the fact that it originally cost one guinea in England. Raised for food in Peru; considered a pet everywhere else.

"WHEEK, WHEEK" screamed the guinea pig when she discovered her food bowl was empty.

by Anon November 13, 2004

213๐Ÿ‘ 177๐Ÿ‘Ž

guinea pig

small rodent, about twice the size of a hamster, very hyper active and the size of a fully grown hamster when young, but will grow lazy and fat. they're are not suited for any excercise and will mostly die if forced to any excess movement. though they only eat vegetables, some fruit, pellets, soft hay, grass and specialy developped food for rodents, they'll attempt to eat anything, as long as it's close enough to they're mouth. they sometimes may act blind for food, hoping to get more. many find them adorable and cute, and keep them as pet, as they're easier to care for then most other pets. they produce very high-pitched and loud noises when hungry or hearing a noise they relate to food or someone who bring them food, impossible for any creature not from the family of caviae, including humans. they're related to the capibara, world's biggest rodent, wich is sometimes also kept as a pet.

If you want to take a guinea pig as pet, remember that they're group animals and you're forced to buy multiple in order to avoid a depression. also, you should provide a compost bin, as guinea pigs produce much of that...
a fully plastic cage advised, else they'll throw much food away, hoping they'll get more and better food.

i love my guinea pig, he's fluffy and produces lots of manure for my plants in exchange for wortheless vegetables

by redharvest July 31, 2011

19๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Equatorial Guinea

Due to the oil industry, it is the richest African country but it has one of the poorest average populations in the world. This is because the national leaders hog all the money to themselves. It is also the only African country that speaks Spanish. Its capital (Malabo) is on a tiny island (Bioko) far away from the mainland (Rio Muni). It's also really hot down there. Not to be confused with Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Papua New Guinea, Guyana, French Guiana, the island New Guinea, or the guinea pig.


by CallingAllTortoises April 15, 2019