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Ia ns nitro gift day

Give I a N one nitro gift on Dec. 10th!!

Ia ns nitro gift day Gift him!!

by IANLIKESCHICKEN90 December 11, 2020

Denver, IA

A small town located in between Waterloo and Waverly. Most of the populace work in other towns, as the "city" has an area of 1 square mile. The population is roughly 1,000. It is home to several sports fields, two restaurants, a bar, and a single cemetery.

I wish I didn't live in Denver, IA. It's so small.

by insanity2.0 February 11, 2011


When u catch ya girl cheating but can't do the prerequisite math required to solve the equation.

Damn bro you pulled a MATH-ias after ur girl stayed out overnight

by OG_Breadstick December 24, 2020


I am eating dinner



someone-I am eating dinner idiot

by yuki chan December 7, 2018

world + ia

you are such an idiot to be typing world with that "ia" at the end

the man said "whoever says it or types it is an idiot " then the idiot says "world + ia"

by MagicMattCooly February 4, 2023


When men get so high on their own idea they can’t see past their own mania to see that it’s a terrible idea

Man: “you should should check out my web series, it’s just me and my dudes sitting around and talking about stuff”.
Friend: “Dude, that’s a terrible idea. I think you’re experiencing man-ia

by Spillylilly September 18, 2020


the WORST gamemode in item asylum (seriously how do people find this fun)

ok but this gamemode is basically mm2, but with a new class (jester), no signs of those annoying ass coins, and clues, also known as motivation to explore the map (i always hide lol)

innocent: the most boring role. might as well sleep tbh
sheriff: innocent but you have a gun. yay!!!!!!!
murderer: killer guy
jester: trickster that tries to get shot by the sheriff

Cruel King: MU IA sucks... Might as well sleep.
GR13F3R: WH47. Y0U 54Y MU 5UCK5? 1LL BR34K Y0 KN33C4P5!

by memeaddictive December 16, 2024