The act of chilling like a hobbit.The phrase is often used when under the influence of an alcoholic substance or a drug. This word has grown to common use in the school districts of Northern Massachusetts and Southern New Hampshire, by teenagers, who like repeating the same phrases.
Kevin: Yo Whats up bro? Wanna chillbro baggins?
Tug: Kevin, please quit saying that, you sound lame.
Matt: How Lame?
Tug: Medium.
Matt: How Medium?
Tug: Jesus of Nazareth
Kevin: (sarcastically mimicking) Jesus of Nazzzzaaaarreetthh!
19๐ 6๐
He started baggin' up when his friend tripped and fell in some mud
19๐ 6๐
The male version of the camel toe, basically hiking your pants or underwear till they have a defineable outline of your junk
Man these pants are so tight i think im grocery baggin
18๐ 6๐
Anal Baggins is the act of inserting your penis into a womans anus and sliding in your balls into her vagina, thus teabagging her.
Dude as soon as i administered the Anal Baggins she was beggin for more.
42๐ 19๐
When a guy stupidly wipes his ass from back to front and does with too much vigor which results in smearing plop on his nutbag, thus giving him a brown bag.
"Dude, I was drunk and wiped back-to-front. It was more viscous than I had initially anticipated, and well, I wound up brown baggin' it."
11๐ 3๐
A really short almost hobbit like douche bag. many people with short man syndrome could be called douche baggins.
friend 1: whats up with geoff today?
friend 2: i know hes being such a douche baggins
When a young male trys to go out with a much older woman, usually for the purpose of getting laid or getting money.
johnny: I just asked out that that lady Janice out!
robert: Isnt she about 40?
johnny: yeah, why?
robert: Thats nasty why are you Baggin A Hag?