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Chillbro Baggins

The act of chilling like a hobbit.The phrase is often used when under the influence of an alcoholic substance or a drug. This word has grown to common use in the school districts of Northern Massachusetts and Southern New Hampshire, by teenagers, who like repeating the same phrases.

Kevin: Yo Whats up bro? Wanna chillbro baggins?
Tug: Kevin, please quit saying that, you sound lame.
Matt: How Lame?
Tug: Medium.
Matt: How Medium?
Tug: Jesus of Nazareth
Kevin: (sarcastically mimicking) Jesus of Nazzzzaaaarreetthh!

by hart31 May 29, 2010

19๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Baggin' up

Laughing out loud

He started baggin' up when his friend tripped and fell in some mud

by AK July 22, 2003

19๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

grocery baggin

The male version of the camel toe, basically hiking your pants or underwear till they have a defineable outline of your junk

Man these pants are so tight i think im grocery baggin

by Collin ratboycom October 13, 2005

18๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Anal Baggins

Anal Baggins is the act of inserting your penis into a womans anus and sliding in your balls into her vagina, thus teabagging her.

Dude as soon as i administered the Anal Baggins she was beggin for more.

by Fuckin Fuck Master May 29, 2008

42๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

Brown Baggin'

When a guy stupidly wipes his ass from back to front and does with too much vigor which results in smearing plop on his nutbag, thus giving him a brown bag.

"Dude, I was drunk and wiped back-to-front. It was more viscous than I had initially anticipated, and well, I wound up brown baggin' it."

by T.R. Slyder March 22, 2009

11๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

douche baggins

A really short almost hobbit like douche bag. many people with short man syndrome could be called douche baggins.

friend 1: whats up with geoff today?
friend 2: i know hes being such a douche baggins

by The Dartmouth Kid August 14, 2011

Baggin A Hag

When a young male trys to go out with a much older woman, usually for the purpose of getting laid or getting money.

johnny: I just asked out that that lady Janice out!

robert: Isnt she about 40?

johnny: yeah, why?

robert: Thats nasty why are you Baggin A Hag?

by richardskull October 17, 2009