When your mother passed away and was cremated; she always had one wish for her ashes. It's an Iceland tradition for her son's friends to fuck/pee/cum in the urn at the same time. Once this has been completed, we bring the ashes back to the motherland and do the traditional Viking funeral of burning them at sea.
This is what my mother always wanted. I didn't let them know until after she passed. They took on the challenge and we went out there and gave her the Iceland Good-Bye. I will always love and appreciate my friends for doing what my mother always wanted.
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Someone who is from Iceland and has an extremelly smelly, sloppy, and sweaty ass.
Boy : I broke up with my girlfriend
Other boy : Why?
Boy : She's the biggest sloppy Icelandic bum hole!!
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The national team of the country Iceland, where if you are a man aged 20 to 40, there is a 1 in 2000 chance you are on the team. Also, their manager is a dentist.
Ohmyfuckinggod how did the Iceland soccer team beat ENGLAND? Their manager is a bloody dentist for Christ's sake
The Iceland Volcanic Eruption is when someone is eating a bitches ass and they feel the need to vomit, take a used toilet paper roll, stick it in her ass and proceed to vomit in the tube. After the orgasm of her dreams, let her shit it all out
Ate that bitches ass, have her that Iceland volcanic eruption.
Similar to an upper decker, an Icelad Steamer refers to the act of shitting in the recipient’s freezer, leaving a frozen turd to be discovered long after you depart the premises.
Especially effetive for bottom freezers, rather than an awkward side by side. Top freezers are right out unless you are extremely flexible and ludicrously tall.
Or enjoy the tactile sensation of warm shit.
My boss’s dissed my wifes body, so I waited until the kitchen cleared , and left that wretch an Iceland Steamer, for dessert.
Gay slang for a giant ice cold wet and soggy dick.
“Bro last night I got an Icelandic slammer from someone at the nightclub!”
When you put faeces in a condom freeze it and the use it as dildo until defrosted
Last night I used a Icelandic pipe