American Idol is a television show that claims to find talent and a unique singer out of a pool of contestants. In reality, the show is designed to find someone who can sing at least decently and then throws them to the record labels where their creative control is sapped away. Most of the time, winners are not successful in their careers. The show is generally aimed at young people who have the opportunity to vote for the singer they think has the most talent. Oftentimes, these people will vote for the contestant who they think is the "hottest" as opposed to someone with actual talent, thereby throwing the whole concept out the window. Over the course of the last few seasons, the show has become more about ratings than singing as indicated by showing more of the "bad" singers for the sake of audience entertainment. Contestants are also led to believe they have talent when they actually have no talent at all, making their elimination all the more devastating to them, much to the audience's delight. The show has slipped into pointless redundancy as each subsequent winner after the first season has not achieved any commercial success. Also questionable is the choice of judges. Randy Jackson has only released one album and Paula Abdul's albums have been rated by critics as mediocre at best. Simon Cowell's only appearant role is to garner some sort of response from the contestant through the use of overly harsh critisism, yet again for audience response. Rarely does he give any constructive critisism and most of the time, downrights insults the contestant ("You look the like The Incredible Hulk's wife"). All in all, a successful attempt to exploit the teenage generation by providing the "entertainment" of the contest leading up to the winner, and the promise of a new and "talented" pop singer.
An excellent example is Kelly Clarkson, the first winner of American Idol. She was carved from a talented singer on the show to a whorish, teenybopper favorite with a synthesized voice. All subsequent winners after Clarkson have not achieved any commerical success.
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A crappy reality show where bratty kids overbutcher songs sung by the greatest legends alive like Stevie Wonder and Diana Ross. What's even worse is that horny 11-year girls vote for the crappiest singer in the universe and support this gay ass show. The highlight of the show is when that bitch Paula slaps Simon for like the 89th time in a row. God FOX really does suck
Contestant:If youu were mah girll oh oh yah!
Randy: Yah dawg wasn't feeling it
Fuck you guy
american idol is coorperate shit
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A television show that glorifies human flaws for our enjoyment
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This nickname has been given to βPark Jihoonβ of treasure, meaning βidol who appears once in a milleniumβ.
βPark jihoon THE millennium idolβ
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To have no discernible talent, but just a rather strange desire to be in the public eye. Either to make it as a high paid karaoke singer, and be voted for by people who need to be taught to suck eggs, while laughably lame βproducersβ like Simon Cowell paid stupid amounts to say the sky is blue, and he/she cannot sing. This can be applied to anyone whose mothers told them they had βtalentβ, and it is also versatile enough to be applied to people who have found fame by either:
1.) Getting their saggy tits out
2.) Being wealthy and sucking some dick
3.) Having wealthy parents and snorting coke
4.) Being a 'reality celebrity'
5.) Going on pop dross, love shit, sad survivor, I am a has been please kill me, or big yawn
If you subscribe to this word please find a motorway and walk in the middle of it.
Bernie: Oh jesus look there is that inbred horse fucker Tara Palmer Boy Child, what is she doing on TV again?
Frank: Shit, she is such a Pants idol Bernie, lets club together and get her killed.
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One of the worst T.V programmes EVER!
Airhead 1:Dude doesn't Pop Idol suck?
Airhead 2: Totally
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A television show supported by every media imaginable, exploiting a person completely lacking in talent, intellect, musical knowledge and money. Used to brainwash the viewer into buying music, regardless of them liking it or not. Widely popular amongst teenagers and people with similar IQ.
-See idiot
Girl: Australian Idol is on!
Guy: Hand me that skewer so I can poke it through my head.
-See annoying
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