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Imans are very smart! Like literally smart at everything and are mostly lefty's
Imans love life and love comedy

Omg how is she so smart she's only 7 she can do grade 6 math😨
Her names definitely Iman!!

by Angrybird222 March 25, 2024


Iman is really nice and I really like her. She is funny, kind, helpful and cute. She loves pizzas and Shane Dawson. She hates kids but loves cats. She'll adopt a cat.

Iman loves Shane Dawson so much.

by jinscrookedfinger September 23, 2019


Iman is a really dumb white girl, she’s not that smart and has no clue her friend is bi and goes by any pronouns and prefers he/they 😨 her blonde hair is long and overall just really blind

Boy:hey thats iman

Friend: yea she still doesn’t know I’m bi
Boy:HOW? It’s so obvious


by Monster321 September 10, 2021


Someone who's always high.

He is high. Such a Iman.

by ChirayUwU November 22, 2021


the only normal person at my table

"Is that Iman?
Yeah, she's like the only normal person at my table"

by Da man who's in Ohio October 25, 2023


If you meet a IMAN she is known to be a vicious, vile creature who has no remorse of life and death. She will cause havoc in your life. Also known as BOOM BITCH , she cannot boom shit and is the worst type of female you will ever meet.She is the type of female that would make you get mad at your mirror because its wearing the same thing as you. Please stay away from an Iman she is known to capture kids and lock them in the basement and not feed them . Call +14708099274 for advice .


by DaddyHasArrived November 11, 2020


One of the laziest,funniest person you will meet she loves he friends but she can get really moody but not for long she usually has long black hair and big eyes she is gorgeous looking and when she smiles she puts a smile others face

Have you met Iman

Yea she's such a vibe

by November 23, 2021