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Throb Johnson

Nickname for the 36th President of the United States. He received this nickname after his wife revealed his high sex drive and constantly throbbing penis. She was quoted saying he had to be drained 5-7 times a day. Orally and vaginally.

Dean: What’s up with Brenda?

Charlie: She can’t handle me. I’m just like Throb Johnson. Always needing a suck.

Dean: Damn man.

by Leland Bruce January 24, 2023

5πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Jimmy Johnson

The most powerful evil in all of academics. The biggest, the baddest, the worst possible thing you can think of doing multiplied by your scariest nightmare. A Jimmy Johnson is the ultimate level of difficulty possible for any test, practice problem, or example. Nothing is more difficult than a Jimmy Johnson.

Slightly easier but still near impossible is a Johnson

"That chemistry test was an absolute Jimmy Johnson, how does expect us to do that shit? It was impossible!"

"Bro that was a Jimmy Johnson, I felt like a baby sucking a hot dog stuck in a hijacked plane."

by bigboss204 March 13, 2019

dustin johnson

When you have done cocaine/herion before a range sess.

Bro your shots are off, you ripped a few Dustin Johnsons before or?

by ChiefKeef420 September 25, 2018

59πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

Dick Johnson

The best name EVER.... because you know..... it means penis, twice.

Bob "hey professor Johnson whats your first name?"
P. Johnson "Dick............Dick Johnson."
Bob "Dick as in Richard?"
P. Johnson "No. just Dick...............Dick Johnson."

by T-Rex-Man November 29, 2009

315πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž

Boris Johnson

The man that has single-handedly fucked the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland during two crises (Brexit and Covid-19) in less than a year in charge. The man shows no remorse while saying old people are going to die and wanted people to get infected with the coronavirus as a method of getting rid of it.

What a fucking knob.

Person 1: You know Boris Johnson is shi-
Person 2: You don't need to tell me, a pen could be a better Prime Minister than him

by RapoloMan July 17, 2020

109πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Boris Johnson

A boring human being who is a waste of time

Boris Johnson is a shit prime minister

by Jessreee December 17, 2019

70πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Johnson tip

Where a gram of tren is to be injected

The tren pheromones gets all the Stacie’s on your Johnson tip

by Trenlover48 January 13, 2022