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juno uranus

Eating pumpkin pie out of someone’s anus while wearing clown makeup.

Joani asked John, do you want me to juno uranus?

by Hillbilly Hustler November 1, 2017

bust a juno

verb. to "bust a juno" is to either talk in random obscure references (usually 90's references, hence the word "bust" which was a word predominately used in the 90's) or to get knocked up. past tense: "busted a juno"

an obvious reference to the movie juno, where the titular character says many obscure references.

chrystine: "im going to beat you down like an iceberg to titanic"
nick: "did you just bust a juno, and a bad one at that?"

julie: "hey, i think i busted a juno..."
nadia: "your knocked up?!?"

by jayar182 & chrystine182 December 21, 2009

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uncooked juno

A very cool and hot and sexy person


by your moms humongous balls July 25, 2021

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Being "Juno-d" is having sex with someone in a chair, specifically if the female is on top. Derives from the movie, "Juno".

"Yeah, my younger sister totally Juno-d my ex boyfriend in his grandpa's big green chair."

"She fucked you in your chair? You so got Juno-d."

by Ern72 August 25, 2009

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Pull a Juno

To get pregnant as a teenager and keep the baby.

Pull a Juno

From the popular movie Juno

Anna had sex with her boyfriend for the first time in 10th grade. After this, she found out she was pregnant. After deciding to keep the baby, she had officially pulled a juno.

See also Juno

by Smooshie June 10, 2009

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Uno De Juno

The holiest of holy days, Uno de Juno was originally a holiday created for non-mexican Spanish speakers. Sick of people assuming since they spoke Spanish that they wanted to celebrate the Mexican holiday of Cinco de Mayo, some Puerto Ricans and their white compatriots in New Orleans adopted Uno de Juno as their own day of holy celebration.

Intentionally misspelled, the first and only rule of Uno de Juno is that it is not celebrated on June 1st and the celebration usually consists of heavy drinking, drug taking and party-goers wearing poorly designed t-shirts.

Everyone got blackout drunk and Sam pissed himself, another great Uno de Juno was had by all.

by Dooder11 June 14, 2013

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Juno ma maw

A name for some one who asks if you know his mum or mom

Miss Juno ma maw

by Bet ya don’t know me January 20, 2018