Source Code


Knullbar. Att vara kb, att vara knullbar. Någon som en hade kunnat ha sexuellt umgänge med.

-Vad tycker du om henne/honom?

-Jo, hon/han är kb.

by Pøder October 19, 2022


KB stands for keyboard

My kb broke the other day

by Storm270 July 24, 2022


The robot in QT's back in Friday Night Funkin' Vs QT mod

"Nothing Personal Kid..." -KB

by Bliue January 25, 2022


abby for something that is secret

spidda: kb

by p2btw June 13, 2018


Kaffe och benzo

Yo that dude, the guy, KB

by KBguy October 31, 2020


kb- kb stands for kick back. if somebody is getting a little mad you say kb which means chill out. another meaning for kb is when you and your close friends or just friends are whole hanging out and kicking back

“cuz kb what’s wrong with you”

-“wyd ?”
-“just kicking back, hbu

by westrnsydslang January 16, 2022


ew. dont do that

bro you chill with kb?

by OnlyFullFax May 2, 2021

1👍 2👎