This occurs when you have less brain cells then teeth.
Chance of this rare occurrence is as getting a virtual item (Knife) in a videogame CS:GO.
This usually happens in the Balkans.
A few examples of sentences that can cause the "Kale moment"
"Sivo nebo, buda te jebo"
"Nije ti lako, popij Sinalco"
"To su pederi, pederi, jebite se sami"
"Nisam ja peder, ja sam čovjek"
"IJAAAAAAAI što ima veliki kurac"
Being on a strenuous diet, a term originally coined by accomplished MMA fighter Lucas Rosa
Man, I'm going to be in kale jail until I get my summer body back!
It's a smoothie at boost juice
Although it is also a name for someone that likes a bit of sass
That's some Kinky Kale
3👍 1👎
When vegetarians/vegans get into a fight on Twitter; Twitter beef but for vegetarians/ vegans
-"wow, did you see that Twitter beef?"
~"actually it was Twitter kale, they were vegans."
A phrase coined by the notes Jillian Owens. One will use this phrase in situations of flabbergastment.
Jenny took my seat on the bus, “Oh kale no!”
A phrase used to trick someone into saying “kill jews” in a similar manner as something such as “Nick Gurrs”
Did you hear? I tricked that OddKast moron yesterday into saying kill Jews by following him with my account named “Kale Juice”