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The day of morning after an in$ane Friday which leave$ you waking up in the morning feeling like P.Diddy. In honor of thi$, all "s"'s are replaced by "$" during in$tant me$$age and texting conver$ation$ when talking about the night in que$tion.

brian4991: Wow. I had a crazy night Friday.

Tmo6969: What happened?

brian4991: I woke up in a $trange girl'$ bed wearing nothing but boxer$ and handcuff$.

Tmo6969: $ound$ like you're having a Ke$haturday...

by BTR6969 March 6, 2010

21๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


Jo-ke: is a turm used by ones who are referring to wanna be gangster/Hustler who's only hustle is Robbin those who can? So they are a jo-ke

Yo dog you see that wannabe hustler TON his a jo-ke๐Ÿ’ฏ

by k187c October 6, 2021

ke marie

A woman that is beautiful and has a genuine spirit and heart but is often mislead because of her tendency to love hard. She is loved by many, but can also be taken advantage of because of her giving nature. She is always there for her friends and demonstrates an faithful demeanor with everyone she is involved with.

Ke Marie is too nice and might end up hurt in many of her relationships, especially romantically.

by W2WReal December 21, 2016


see Whore

wow man... that Ke$ha gave you head?

by pinkn1nja June 18, 2010

264๐Ÿ‘ 158๐Ÿ‘Ž

hat ke

Offbeat, different from usual. Only used in a complimentary sense.

That was a hat ke movie. I loved it.

by desichhora July 11, 2012

6๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


Slutty, party like, drunk

That's so Ke$ha of you to wear that shirt.

by Capushino November 4, 2010

214๐Ÿ‘ 129๐Ÿ‘Ž


An intoxicated Taylor Swift. She is also known for dressing like a crackwhore.

Taylor has had so much vodka, she's starting to look like Ke$ha

by Galloping Stallion June 28, 2010

421๐Ÿ‘ 268๐Ÿ‘Ž