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Dies in literally every southpark episode

Kenny is dead

by Kokichiouma November 12, 2022


He is a really nice person. He has a good sense of humor, but it is in his own unique way.
He has a confusing personality. He really enjoys being alone but he is also friendly and sociable. Sometimes he is quiet, sometimes he is noisy, sometimes he has nothing to say and sometimes he is outspoken. He reads energy and adjusts.

Kenny was the one

by rolizzle November 23, 2021


He is a really nice person. He has a good sense of humor, but it is in his own unique way.
He has a confusing personality. He really enjoys being alone but he is also friendly and sociable. Sometimes he is quiet, sometimes he is noisy, sometimes he has nothing to say and sometimes he is outspoken. He reads energy and adjusts.

Kenny was the one

by rolizzle November 23, 2021


Kenny is a tall guy and he has a very nice girlfriend who is cute af.His girlfriend’s name starts with J and this girl love her very much.

Kenny loves his girlfriend very much.

by TAllkennie July 21, 2019


You probably almost die a lot, but other than that your a great person to be around whether it’s your helpfulness or, humour because at the end of the day your normally always there to help a friend out or make them laugh even if your humour a little dirty, your name also has a meaning in Scott land which means handsome.

Wow that Kenny is a great person


by Rotten Mushroom January 24, 2022


1: a sweetheart who probably likes waffles
2: a bad smelling old man with a beard who can't see out of one eye but can be a sweetheart but most of the time an asshole

meaning 1: god, that guy is so nice, i bet he's a kenny.
meaning 2: fuck kenny he's an asshole

by waywardaphrodite April 22, 2021


A Kenny is an individual who does nothing but simp. His life revolves around spending all his time with women for absolutely no reason (other than the occasional Chinese Burn in return).

"I'm gonna go see Charlotte tonight"
"Oh god, not again! You're such a Kenny"

by MTMTM November 30, 2020