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A young, attractive woman 21-25 years of age. Not to be confused with Puma, Cougar or Jaguar.

T-Mo and I met these sexy kittens and they purred all night.

by LLDeech August 14, 2007

34๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž


The cutest fucking thing on the planet

Kitten: mew

Never: Damn that's cute!!!

by Froody foozboos pizza June 18, 2015

4๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


|-> A Very Safe Psychedelic Dissociative Anaesthetic that's gaining Recreational Popularity on the Streets Everywhere as a new Tool to Escape or Enhance the Ruthless Reality, and also for Exploring the Other Worlds and Universes, without any apparent Side-Effects from Short-Term use, even at Higher Doses, but never exceeding 500mg insufflated by people with Huge Tolerances.

PS.>- One of the Safest and Funnest drugs known to ManKind!1

ie. }---_:

- "Have you seen the new Kitten I Adopted Today, m8?!1"

"ARRr m8y!, Lookz like a Killer Kitten, Killer Kitten indeed it is!... - May I Pet it plz??!1"

> *ME0W!ME0W!ME0W!* !!!1Oneoneone

-"Aye CaptaiN, it Bites something Fierce!1"

by Kaysage Dimitri February 18, 2008

31๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž


A word females enjoy more than 'pussy' when referring to their vagina.

kitten :

Male to Female: "Oooh what a nice shaved kitten"

Female to Male: "I want you to touch my kitten...look how wet it is!"

"You have such a nice, tight kitten."

by Snuggle Bunny062686 October 17, 2008

21๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž


1) to be made happy through the use of kittens; 2) submersion in kittens

Rick was so cranky yesterday, we had to resort to kittenation to cheer him up. We had to visit a dozen pet shops before we had enough.

by phone booth o'kitties February 13, 2010


A word used on Discord by people that are mods on servers with 13 year old girls

Discord mod: I see you have not ben on discord lately Kitten
13 year old girl: *does not respond*
Discord mod: *sad fat ass noises*

by LoliHentaiCool January 27, 2021

1๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


adorable baby/love of my life. I could not live without them in my life.

aww look a kitten!

by Loki 132 December 20, 2018