Slang for laugh out silent when something isn't really funny, created by some kids that had too much time on their hands.
Kid 1: Knock knock
Kid 2: Who's there
Kid 1: Boo
Kid 2: Boo who
Kid 1: Stop crying
Kid 2: Ha los
8๐ 18๐
Slang abbreviation for 'lol' (laugh out loud) meaning to "Laugh out".
"lo lo lo That's hilarious"
"I am lo'ing (laughing out) right now.
12๐ 34๐
A common mispelling on the dashboard of cars which indicate the level of air coming out of the A/C system.
Lo, hi or rear control, it is your choice.
12๐ 41๐
Lo short for Lohol see below
1) Lohol - aztec for water lily
2) Self righteous dry humping bitch
3) Shorten to Lo- Lo in Chinese means ugly.
Gosh that girl is so Lo, No wonder she has to dry hump.
10๐ 34๐
leet speak for "hello" for gamers too lazy to type out the whole word. also used in IRC chatrooms.
ShadowGod has joined #anarchyonline
<ShadowGod> 'lo comrades, i'm too lazy to type hello and trying to be e133t at the same time!
11๐ 39๐