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C h e c k m o b b

A washington gang that was made by teenagers that’s now on the map

Ayee yoo!!! did you hear the news? C h e c k m o b b is throwing a party tonight in the city.

by Høødmøbb OGs September 14, 2020


"Laugh After Machines Overrule"

Kevin: hey guys lets go to the fairy boat
Nate: I thought the machines changed it to the fairy don't?
Jude: L A M O

by ThatOneGuyYouKnowButHeDoesntKn March 21, 2020


Famous Jack Harlow song

Hey have you seen that new song "G-L-A-M-O-R-O-U-S"?
by Fergie?
No, by Jack Harlow

by SlappyTheSalmon December 12, 2023


Suck Me Off

Simon "Hey, do you wanna S M O?"

Annette "Yes please"

by Gillagwarno March 10, 2024

l e m o n

a l e m o n is a pineapple in the surreal world

???: are you hungry meme man?
meme man: yes, i require sustenance to function any longer.
???: why not get a tasty l e m o n?
meme man: yes, a l e m o n sounds like it would hit the spot.

by jeffdiamondchin November 19, 2020

htt ps:/ /my.urbandictionary. c o m/add.php

if you dont know what this get help

i went on to htt ps:/ /my.urbandictionary. c o m/add.php to submit random things to annoy the website

why not?
because its annoying someone and its not nice to annoy people
and do i care?
i hope

by doge is me October 28, 2022

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

this is the american alphabet for my 3 yr olds

The word a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z means hello

by psuedyon November 22, 2022