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Being a Maddy is like being a crazy,clingy,obsessive,spyco,sex crazed,teenager who uses dating apps and uses the term "I want to be with you forever" or "I think I found the one". A Maddy also tends to want to spend time with there selected partner all day everyday and if you don’t spend time with a Maddy they will go crazy and get mad and start crying randomly and constantly.

I feel like I’m being a total Maddy right now.

by Relationship Advice.01 June 27, 2022

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Somebody who is really annoying and probably draws too much. Simps for most people, and is too sarcastic and rude.

"Maddy sucks"

by $$Cody$$ March 27, 2022

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Maddy is a sweet, & caring girl that will bring joy to a whole room. She is very aware of where she is at and makes sure everybody is happy, and when people aren’t she will go comfort them the minutes she see’s they’re in a bad mood. She will give everyone an equal amount of attention. She give the best hugs, and kisses for anyone that’s experienced that with her.

Max: Hey that girl Maddy is really pretty.

Ben: Yeah man I know but back off she’s mine.

by BEN-MEME-BOI November 10, 2018

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Thot she will run around always saying she wants dick in her ass and wants to get boned all the time, dint fall for the trickery of the wiled thot named Maddy

T.N.T Trust No Thots Maddy is the queen of thots

by Mjonas30 December 13, 2017

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Proper Noun.
A hoe; Someone who attention whores to move up on the social ladder, but fails miserably; also someone who is somewhat hated by those who she thinks are friends; usually a figureless flat person with a distorted view of perfection.

Becky: Hey Im so cool everyone loves me
Julia: OMG shut up no one loves you. Stop being a Maddy you attention whore you are far from perfect.

by NiggaCheesin November 24, 2013

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My prostitution friend who licks my booty hole on the weekend

Maddy eats my ass

by Maddy ozzy bitch September 3, 2018

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A bitch who like sucking dick for fun and wears thing that are stupid and says girls need to be pretty. Btw she is a thot not like Bella Delphine thot more like ladies of the night thot dirty hoes. Don't ever trust her unless it's a secret than trust them. If u ever see a person named Maddy flip them off than moon them. Fucking little cunt ass piece of shit good for nothing. She also dates her brother probably named Damian. ASSHOLE LICKER.πŸ–•πŸ–•πŸ–•πŸ–•πŸ–•πŸ–•πŸ‘πŸ˜›

That Maddy is a dirty slut. Ewwww

by BBIGMACC55 April 30, 2019

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