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marilyn manson

One of the greatest musicians ever.One of the few metal bands That (These days)makes music without just screaming.Is an artist, collage professor?(Ive herd from new he is but news isnt very reliable)most blacks or white guys who act black hate him(except eminem) because he makes good music and doesnt just talk and call it a song.His older songs were filled with biblical refrences(Little horn is one of the best) because he was a hardcore christian at one time.TRUE Gothics(theres Few left) hate him because they Blame him for all the posers around who say hes goth.He cant control what they say.Get over it.Most other people hate him because he looks diffrent and acts diffrent.They blame him for just about everything(Im surprised the war in Iraq or 911 wasnt blamed on him) like columbine(The kids didnt like his music even), suicides, or any other trouble with teens or adults that like his music.He DID NOT Get his ribs out to give himself a bj(well...he was pissed cause he wasnt getting any sex and just said he was going to but never did).HE DOESNOT HAVE BREAST IMPLANTS.Those were prosthetic things for the cover of his album and the video for it.He is going to be married soon so he isnt gay(bisexual though).

Oh my gawd!My son just got hit by a car! Its marilyn mansons fault!

by EatWAFFLES April 1, 2005

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marilyn manson

Marilyn Manson.
Marilyn Manson's band was originally called Marilyn Manson And The Spooky Kids, but shortly after the band was formed, the name was shortened to Marilyn Manson (the lead singer's name, obviously).

Marilyn Manson himself has never bitten the head of a defenceless animal nor had fake breast implants nor removed his ribs in order to give himself oral sex. On the contrary to what pathetic sociopath idiots think, Marilyn Manson does not have man boobs- he was cursed from the day he was born to be tall and terribly thin (something which he doesn't mind.)

He isn't gay (he is married to star female stripper, Dita Von Teese) and yet has no problem what-so-ever about gay people, gay sex or touching men-- wanna know why? It's because he isn't an idiot. He can accept other people.

His music does not just have shock value. I myself downloaded some of his music to find out who the hell Marilyn Manson was, before I had seen him and his band and back when I though he was a woman (/Marilyn/). It amazed me, and because of my love for his work I looked up more about him.

He isn't a Satanist (he doesn't believe in a God) yet is against Christianity. He isn't against Christianity because he is a 'Goth' (he isn't, by the way)but because his gained experiences have left him with some intelligence. If you don't believe me, buy his autobiography.

"A pill to make you numb,
A pill to make you dumb,
A pill to make you anybody else,
But all the drugs in this world
Won't save her from herself..." -- Coma White

"This was never my world,
You took the angel away,
I killed myself to make everybody pay..." -- Coma Black
(Linked singles by Marilyn Manson)

by Hellz May 5, 2006

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marilyn manson

One may say that Brian Warner (Marilyn Manson, for those who don't know) is some 'satanic goth' and whatnot. What people don't realize is that he...isn't. Honestly? This man is blamed for odd nuances and criminal acts (Columbine, anyone?) merely because it's easy for the media to point fingers...just because his ways aren't exactly 'politically correct'...or however one may explain it.

Marilyn Manson and the Spooky Kids (now shortened to 'Marilyn Manson') is a 'shock-rock' band that started in the 80's. So, those who think he's 'metal' or 'emo'..you're wrong..and you fail at life.

Those obscene rumors like the whole 'breast implants' thing..and the 'ribs removed' thing...they aren't true. If you watch any of his interviews, you'd know that he finds these things funny...but they aren't true. The whole 'breast' thing was for a music video...and they weren't real...and come on, the whole 'suck my own dick' thing was a joke.

Mindless Idiot: oh my god, Marilyn Manson is such a freak!

Me: ...do you happen to have any legit reasoning behind that opinion?

Mindless Idiot: I don't even know if it's a guy or a girl..and he has two different color eyes!

Me: First off, if you knew anything..you'd know that Manson is a guy and that 'Marilyn Manson' is not his real name. And there's significance behind those contacts.

Mindless Idiot: He's still a freak! He removed two of his ribs so he could suck his own dick...and he throws live puppies in the audience at his shows and tells people to kill them!

Me: I feel sorry for you...the media is basically brainwashing you.

Mindless Idiot: What?

Me: ...you have no opinion of your own. You lose.

by xxbeautifullytragic March 21, 2008

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marilyn manson

Marilyn Manson - the pen-name of a rock artist (birth name: Brian Warner), member of the band formerly known as Marilyn Manson and The Spooky Kids. Now the band is also referred to as simply Marilyn Manson. Technically, it's not so much of a problem because about the only person who stays there always is Marilyn Manson himself. Some of the line-up changes from time to time.

MM is certainly a good target for criticism, but needs no defense: his reactions to the criticism are always quite keen and precise.

While his public image may seem shocking to public eye, he is NOT any of the following (although it has been claimed):
- Satanist or Devil worshipper
- Gay
- Mentally unbalanced
- Killer of little animals on stage (unlike Ozzy, who bit a head off a pigeon)

I cannot for sure tell if MM has anything against Christianity as a school of thought. If he is as intelligent as he seems (and he does make quite an impression), I doubt he is. But he definitely has a problem with the Christian religious institutes such as church (btw, chuch does not necessarily imply philosophy or even simple faith).

Personal opinion of mine is that his utterances are not to be overvalued, as they, while having value, DO fall short of an elegant philosophy MM seems to seek. Maybe he should spend a little more time with good books, but with his job I understand it can be difficult. I wish he weren't so caught up with the whole anti-christian act. Life is bigger than a fight against one say-but-dont-do religious system.

My guess is, MM would exell in writing. It seems he has much to say and explore, but the expectations of the crowd and limits of the format (namely, music) don't let him.

He seems to find himself in (rather good, may a add) watercolors and unique experiments with musical organic effects on the listener.

His music and imagery appeals mostly to the goth community,
much of it falls into the industrial niche, although most of his work cannot be accurately categorized, as with any truly talented artist.

A: Do you know who Marilyn Manson is?
B: M-m, I thought it was a band...
A: Well, that's true, to an extent. He's a lead singer in the band with the same name.

by Alex Parshikov August 18, 2006

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marilyn manson

1. American shock-rock/industrial (his style is actually very unique to him) musician with a folling of many teenage and adult fans sometimes called mansonites, though not all of them are. He is a pop-culture idol and scapegoat. He is often considered a lyrical genius and a revolutionary, however, some of his messages are intimidating to those who don't understand them.

* Viewed upon as satan, satan's spawn, or the messenger of satan by people who don't really appreciate what he has to say. see christians

*) "OMFG Marilyn Manson worships the devil!" (someone who doesn't have a clue)

*) "Man, that last song Manson wrote was fucking powerful" (someone who does have a clue)

*) "OMG Marilyn Manson is SOOO sexy!!!" (crazy fan kid)

by WAFFLE FLOP October 4, 2006

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marilyn manson

One of the most influential artists of this time. His lyrics often misunderstood, and misinterepted. A great artist. The man started in Canton, Ohio, going to a Catholic school. Then moving to Florida, he met other band members, adopted the stage name Marilyn Manson(Taking the first name of a pop star(Marilyn Monroe) and last name of a murderer(Charles Manson), and formed Marilyn Manson and the Spooky Kids. He then exploded in the underground, and after opening for his friend and idol's band NIN, he gained much popularity. Then producing Potrait of a American Family, he hit bigtime. The proclaimed Antichrist Superstar has been a target ever since for the blame of killings,suicides, drug problems, and various other things. While being influential, people need to know the difference between music and life, as if music can influence them enough to do these things, they already had problems. A genius in lyrics, he easily became a demigod for most, as his lyrics were direct,brutal to some, and uncensored. They were and are his opinions, and nothing else, and his fans love this. My favorite band on this planet. Also, rumours are spread about this man right and left, he is not gay, and never had ribs taken out to blow himself. A truely, great man. I've listened to him for 7-8 years, being about half my life, yes, I'm still in earlier teens, and I can see, think and speak for myself.

Marilyn Manson : Part of, The Speed of Pain
When you want it
It goes away too fast
Times u hate it
It always seems to last
But just remember when you think you're free
The crack inside you fucking heart is me

I wish I could sleep
But I can't lay on my back
Because ther's a knife
For everyday that I've known you

by Michael Knight. November 3, 2005

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marilyn manson

A human being. Let's face it folks, yeah, some of us like his music, yeah some of us hate it. Some of us support what he stands for, some of us are against it. This doesn't make him some antichrist, devil reincarnate! Nor does it make him the god of today! I personally enjoy his music and i support many of his views, this doesn't mean i like him as a person. I DON'T EVEN KNOW THE GUY! So all you out there saying "Oh, yeah, he's like my god and i'm going to marry him and we'd totally get along" and all that crap need to remember that you don't know him and can't judge him like that until you actually do get to know him (which i doubt is going to happen).

Also, he's stated that his music is meant to make everyone feel accepted. Most people see this as a Goths only sort of thing. NOT TRUE. it is possible for someone to shop at Abercrombie and Fitch and like Marilyn Manson. Someone can go to church every Sunday and still enjoy his music. It seems like manson fans are creating these boxes to detirmine what a "true marilyn manson fan" is, and it's totally undermining his purpose of being. If his music is supposed to accept everyone and unite all then how is it right for us, his "loyal" fans, to define who is and who isn't allowed to like him.

what i'm trying to say:
1. Don't judge people you haven't met (for good or for bad)
2. Don't tell other's whether or not thier "worthy" of manson
3. Don't hate a person just because they share a different opinion than you (and vice versa, don't fall in love with someone just cause you share some similarities)

"It's the whole Nietzche philosophy of you are your own God. That's why I debase myself in the concerts and tell people to spit on me. I'm saying to them 'You are no different from me'." -Marilyn Manson

by linzo July 7, 2006

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