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Markus Vogel

A creature that romes the chilling icy streets of the Gothenburg area, and is discribed as a short aryan man with big ears in proportion too his face. He can often be seen with the Ante Pante (which can be seen in two forms) and sometimes with big foot Lucas. His last name is german so we have a few theories that he may be a swedish-german experiment during the nazi regime.

I saw Markus Vogel yesterday !

by Fjante November 19, 2018

Sebastian Markus

If you meet him the first time, you will wonder, how a person can be so smart and such an idiot at the same time. He is usually pretty funny but he can get pretty serious in sertain topics. A Sebastian Markus always gets girls way out of his league. He is not the perfect lover, but his girlfriend still loves him. He is a weired guy and his friends only stay with him to protect other people of him, but they are fine with it.

What is wrong with Sebastian Markus?


by Nymareg December 6, 2018

markus battiston

The sexiest man alive. Attracts any women with his charm and bright blue eyes matched with his blond/strawberry blond hair. When markus is around keep your eyes on your girl cause he could steal them with a blink of an eye. He has an amazing future and will be a millionaire.


by Breckie4456 January 10, 2025

markus sigfridson

And...The correct spelling IS....
<drum roll>

Markus Sigfridsson

yup markus sigfridson but with 2 s's! WOW! 2 freaking s's.
again that is
Markus Sigfridsson

by the other Joel Mascinator June 17, 2004

markus hamilton

Fucking Bet

Guys :Markus sucks at basketball
Markus Hamilton: Fucking Bet (360 layup)

by Zensuke_007 December 16, 2016

Markus pinnau

Obsessed with the default skin in fortnite

Ur such a Markus pinnau

by Im not stupid I ain’t using my November 10, 2018

Markus Parily

The Nigastuck in mental prison with me because he was killed and the killer is trying to frame me for other deaths that have been happening... So to speak. Killer is unknown however I think his photo hangs on the wall of the Sacramento jail. He stalks me and is trying to perfect the perfect murder. I hope I've got enough attention from people around so they can catch this guy before or after he kills me.

Markus Parily

by DarkSide8 August 27, 2019