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Also South London slang (Brixton) for small change.

I wan sum food mon you gat any mash nya?

by rach February 20, 2004

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Mash - 1. To Make Out
2. To Get Blitzed A state of perplexity coz of the herb you smokin
3. To Annihilate, Destroy, Beat The Shit Out Of

1. J Where did u end up last night g?
Rod I was out mashin wit this bitch from the party
2. Rod I am mashed as fuck
3. Rod i b mashin wen u b frontin

by 'G' RV January 4, 2006

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To excessively make-out with somebody.

1)Ryan: Sorry, Emily and Kevin we are splitting you up at the table so you don't mash during dinner.

2) Seth: Will you two stop mashing and actually help me on this project?!
Kevin: We weren't mashing we were just....okay yeah we totally just mashed!

by anthorox June 21, 2010

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a synonym for mosh, hardcore dancing, or some other form of dancing at a show. Bringing the sick mash brah!

"Ya gonna bring the sick mash?!?"

by Adam Merendino June 9, 2007

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To bump into someone without saying exscuse me or sorry.
Or to hit.

"Your just gonna mash on a bitch, huh?"

by Tom January 13, 2005

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the mash

An extremely violent sexual act involving smacking and headbanging

"Wanna come back to my place, have a few drinks and pass the mash"

by Liceman4444! June 28, 2017

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To depart.

THis place is wack, let's mash!

by TRk-mGNT May 25, 2003

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