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A piece of art usually needing talent or feelings to play unlike the over-rated mainstream you hear everywhere. Normally it shouldn't deal with how you dress or who you pretend to be. It is something that actually has a melody to it and not a three minute song with chorus made up of two bar chords.

Person 1: Hey did you see 50 Cent yesterday on MTV?
Person 2: Sorry, I was to busy listening to music.

by travis March 13, 2005

96๐Ÿ‘ 56๐Ÿ‘Ž


Music is just sequences of sounds and sometimes vocals put together.

Now, it has become categories in which today's people has put themselves in express to the world what they represent or what they want to represent.

Categories like gangstas,punk rockers, ravers, ginos, metal rockers, etc.

What I don't understand is why these categories constantly attack each other and their taste, most of the people who actually truly align themselves into a single demographic (most noticable are the "gangstas", but rockers are catching up...) Actually got into that music because it was the fad at the time.

This saying that people aren't truly expressing themselves, but are just emulating what's on TV or what their older friends do.

Music is music. All music is related to each other so make fun of one genre and you will make fun of every genre.

Background music of Rap -> Simple generalized electronic music -> Disco -> "Funky type rock" -> Regular rock -> Country -> Vocals -> Operas(classical singing sorta thing) -> poetry -> rap

by Yourname April 17, 2004

345๐Ÿ‘ 227๐Ÿ‘Ž


The sound that comes out of your radio in between the commercials.

"Change the channel, Robert. The music just came on."

by ManDeLaMancha July 18, 2009

53๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž


THE most versatile and universal means of expression. Also largely a matter of opinion and apparently something money-makers try to "own."

Music has also been, might I add very wrongly, divided into categories/sub-categories called "genres" that's created an immense level of disunity between music lovers everywhere, causing one group to attack another in favor of their preferred "genre." Really no different from the "money-makers" who try to "own" it.

Rather silly, really, but we're human.

This is an example of the definition for the word, "music."

by amalga June 26, 2004

52๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž


Music is not a tangible thing. It is simply a relationship between sound and time.

by joe August 10, 2003

59๐Ÿ‘ 38๐Ÿ‘Ž


Music is a sound in which people can listen to in order to feel good about something or change their mood. Plese, do not call rap "crap". Yes, I Indeed agree that 50 Cent and Chingy are some of the most talentless people in the history of mankind but keep an open mind to the underground and old school "B-Boy" aspects of hip-hop. Yes, around 1998 is the time at which hip-hop turned for the worst. Also, hip-hop artists such as shiffai and wa gubla of senegal are extremely talented, do not judge a genre of musice solely on the shit that you are exposed to.

Celly Cel and E-40 are TRU to the game. They made gangsta rap what it is now. Eric B. and Rakim, A Tribe Called Quest, Onyx, Wu Tang are some of the old schools most cherichable, pay attention to these once infamous leaders of a disregarded genre of music. Pleases mind that what you might enjoy, someone else might hate. Everything intended to be music is in fact music.

by DJ 5 On It January 17, 2004

87๐Ÿ‘ 57๐Ÿ‘Ž


Ideally, the manifestation of beauty through an essence woven into the fabric of time, constantly arriving, constantly receding and leaving an ethereal after-glow which echoes across the neural web to finally become conceived, grasped and defined. One enjoys music by sensing and almost predicting its behaviour, creating tension and release, which is a recurrent pattern, emerging from the very structure of our universe.

Music is the strife to discover what music is.

by eulerfx2 April 14, 2006

41๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž