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Muslimmed, or Muslimed, is the word describing the state in which non-muslim predominately white North American girls are subjected to insults, restrictions, and controlling behaviour from their devoted/hardcore Muslim boyfriend/husband whom is of middle-eastern descent, over six or more months.

The relationships demeans the girl into a mindless drone, stripped of all personality & desire of expression replaced with only the need to say or do whatever their Muslim boyfriend/husband requires so they will not be mad at her.

Signs usually include:
-Girl breaking off all contact with men (Sometimes including male cousins)
-Girl's wardrobe slowly changes until the entire wardrobe consists of sweaters and non-revealing t-shirts
-Girl usually tries to act like she isn't, but upon further importuning girl is extremely depressed + miserable deep down
-When confronted will usually take side of Muslim b/f; usually follows up with "but I love him"
-Girl appears sometimes obsessed with Arabic related things

Similar to physically abused wives/girlfriends, they have a damaged emotional need that makes them think they need that kind of abuse, which makes them stay.

Muslimmed women deserve little sympathy as they can (of could of) gotten out at any time yet they chose to stay and take the abuse and the emotional trauma. Muslimmed women rarely recover fully from the experience and many go on to lead empty lives.

Nine times out of ten Muslimmed women should be avoided at all costs.

Friend1: So how are you and Luisa?

Friend2: I just wasted four months of my life trying to make her see how the way she's being treated is disrespectful and inhumane, but she still stayed with him over me and used the excuse "I love him", even though I'm a better guy than him and am a better guy for her by a longshot.

Friend1: Damn man, that sucks.

Friend 2: Yeah. She's been Muslimmed.


*Friend1 looks at a girl walk by with a middle-eastern man holding her hand; notices she's wearing a sweater with sweatpants*

Friend1: Hey check that out
Friend2: Yup, muslimmed.

by Poopy Mgee January 27, 2010

27πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž


Muslims, people who belong to the religion Islam, the religion of peace. Good, smiley people that will help you out any time, doesnt turn our back on ya cause we fear God (Allah's) wrath. Doesnt descriminate people for race nor religion, tolerent, kind people. Unfortunately Muslims have been portrayed anything but good folk, but they are good folk.

A whole bunch of students studying for their exams. Girl with long Head scarfe comes in the group of freinds and they welcome her, and one guy asks for her help, she helps him.

Another girl is late and has no credit on her phone, asks a guy who happens to have a beard (not too long just right) and asks to borrow his phone. Without a hesitation he lets her call her freind. The girl asks the guy if he is a muslim cause she recognises the beard( some muslim guys choose to grow the beard cause the prophet Muhhammed grew a beard, keeping in mind its suppose to be a handful and not long and dirty) the guy says "yes"
a few examples of what muslims do

by ProUdToBeAmUSLiM June 11, 2007

675πŸ‘ 906πŸ‘Ž


Muslim- a follower/believer of the religion of Islam. Muslims leave normal lives like you and I, only they are more strict on certain subjects. Like many other races, muslims are often misunderstood to be terrorists/anti-semitics/anti-christian/anarchists/anti-american. Most muslims do not commit acts of terrorism. Due to the actions of a few bad muslims, they have singlehandedly created a sterotypical image of a muslim: a towel headed, fanatical, suicidal, pyshcopath. They are one of the most misunderstood people on earth. Many people say that if we kill all the muslims, then there would be no more terrorists activities. That is genocide, and it would makes us no better than the nazis. Many of the things we use today are from muslim decent. Like coffee, algebra,and the concept of zero.

by CommradeKhan May 25, 2003

4969πŸ‘ 7140πŸ‘Ž


Contrary to what most people seem to think, Muslims are not supposed to kill Christians and Jews. In fact, the Quran specifically says so.
And Muhammad personally would be appalled by the notion of women being forced to wear veils. He firmly believed men and women to be equals.

Al-qaeda is a Muslim organization. By the same token, the Ku Klux Klan is a Christian group.

by Oh, but that would have required research. June 9, 2003

1074πŸ‘ 1562πŸ‘Ž


someone who is called a terrorist while his way of saying hello is " Peace on you" ....someone who is judged in a bad way, because of a so-called Muslim namely Ben Laden!!...but reality is completely different, a muslim is a peaceful man, and we can obviously understand that from the word "Islam", which means "peace", hence muslim means peaceful

Elissa: Dude, this is damn crazy!!..that guy over there says that every muslim is a terrorist cuz Ben Laden is a Muslim!!...well if so I can say that every christian is a terrorist then!!!!

Richard: Eww, how's that?!!!

Elissa: I believe you forgot that a certain bastard namely George W Bush is Christian ;)

Richard: huh, TouchΓ©!!!

by Muslim&Proud July 11, 2010

958πŸ‘ 1397πŸ‘Ž


Muslim is an arabic word meaning ( submiter ) as in the one who submitted him self to God.

He must do the follwoing or is not considered a muslim:

1.Shahadah (Testimony of Faith)
The first pillar of Islam is to believe and declare the faith by saying the Shahadah (lit. 'witness'), known as the Kalimah.

2.Salah (Daily Ritual Prayers)
Prayer (Salah), in the sense of worship, is the second pillar of Islam. Prayer is obligatory and must be performed five times a day. These five times are dawn (Fajr), immediately after noon (Dhuhr), mid-afternoon ('Asr), sunset (Maghrib), and early night (Isha').

3.Sawm (Fasting the Month of Ramadhan)
The fourth pillar of Islam is fasting. Allah prescribes daily fasting for all able, adult Muslims during the whole of the month of Ramadan, the ninth month of the lunar calendar, beginning with the sighting of the new moon.

4.Zakah (Alms Tax for Poor)
The third pillar of Islam is the alms-tax (Zakah). The word in Arabic implies "purification" and it is understood to mean that a person "purifies" his holdings of wealth from greed and stinginess.

5.Hajj (Pilgrimage to Mecca)
The fifth pillar of Islam is to make a pilgrimage (Hajj) to Makkah, in Saudi Arabia, at least once in one's lifetime. This pillar is obligatory for every Muslim, male or female, provided that he/she is physically and financially able to do so.

also a muslim should beleave in:

1. ALLAH as in God
2. His angels
3. Books Qur'an , bible , torah ...ETC
4. prophets over 100 prophets including Jesus , mosses Muhhamad Peace be upon them all
5. Day of judgment.
6. Predestination.

prenounce muslim as Mu-z-lim but mus-lim.

I think i want to become a muslim .

by I Qabandi I August 27, 2006

944πŸ‘ 1408πŸ‘Ž


A follower of Islam. Islam meaning 'Submission to God'. Therefore a submitter to God is by definition a Muslim.

Jesus said ' I submit my will to the will of God' therefore by definition he is a Muslim.
All prophets Submitted their will to One God.

In English 'ER' is added a word to indicate one is currently doing it i.e. for the word 'walk' becomes 'walker' or the word 'sleep' becomes 'sleeper' or the word 'fast' becomes 'faster'.

However in Arabic 'MU' is added to indicate the same thing. So if you're living Islam then you're a 'Mu'Islam. Which becomes the word Muslim. Therefore you are living, following and practicing Islam.

Muslim - A follower of Islam testifying there is no deity worthy of worship except God and Muhammad is his slave and messenger.

"Tom declared; I bear witness there is nothing worthy of worship except the One God (Allah) and Muhammad is his slave and messenger". The same as Adam, Moses, Noah, Joseph, Solomon, John, Jacob and Jesus were slaves and messengers of God, to name but a few.

by Truth_Revealed_Lies Exposed April 13, 2017

724πŸ‘ 1135πŸ‘Ž