Source Code

Stealth Nerf

Nerfing, is a game definition term used by a player base to describe the reduction of power in a Class of unit or weapon that was threatening the balance of the game.

Often times players will be told well in advance of the upcoming patch a nerf is taking place. Primarily to keep players informed on modified game mechanics. And also to generate discussion.

A Stealth Nerf occurs when a game company does not announce a particular change to a game in the patch. Often times the change will simply be noted in the Patch notes, buried under other layers of changes players do not often read. Leading to many players confusion as to the change.

The purpose of the Stealth Nerf is to minimize the backlash from the player base if the Nerf being applied is a particularly popular play style.

It also serves to eliminate resistance to the change the producer feels is necessary, as often preventing a Nerf is much easier then reversing a Nerf.

by CommandoDude May 21, 2010

13๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

nerf toys

A term used to describe a woman's breasts beaucse of their comparitive softness to the nerf brand of toys.

We were making out at my house and she let me play with her nerf toys

by Divergence July 26, 2007

10๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

nerf or nuthin

what you say or think when someone says 'maybe'

Guy: wanna go out?
Girl: Idk maybe
Guy:(really nigga?) ITS NERF OR NUTHIN!

by C-ZUH October 27, 2015

11๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

nerf herder

1. Derogatory term used by Princess Leia in order to demean Han Solo, thus hiding her true emotions.

2. A pretty cool band that heard a pretty cool phrase in The Empire Strikes Back and embraced it as their own.

3. Probably a Kevin Smith reference somewhere in the movie universe.

Insulter: "Hey, generic insultee! You're a fat, slovenly Nerf Herder!"

by Run-GMC December 17, 2004

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nerf herder

A lower class outdoorsman who spends his days safeguarding the nerfs on various planets across the universe.

They can best be compared to the American cowboy or shepherds of old in their steadfast pursuit of an independent lifestyle. They generally wear old, worn out work clothes and carry simple projectile weapons as well as staves they use to drive obstinate nerfs out of their hiding places. Due to their significant skills in fieldcraft and gunplay, as well as not having the resources to bathe and change their clothes often, the rest of the "civilized" universe looks down upon them.

"Why you stuck-up, half-witted, scruffy-looking nerf herder!"

by David P. [myspace.com/xbuddhistxfistx] March 19, 2008

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Nerf Ninja

The act of someone acting like a complete retard only to destroy his own reputation in attempt to gaining one

kid: Hello folks, i am your nerf ninja

others: wow, what a faggot

by IamPerson1 December 29, 2010

41๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

Nerf singed

Definition: When singed needs a nerf so bad that hashinshin goes on a 90 second mental breakdown about it, saying nerfed singed over 50 times.

hashinshin: nerf singed nerf singed nerf singed nerf singed he has the highest winrate and pickrate in top.
nerf singed nerf singed nerf singed fling is garbage and completely stops lane interraction.
nerf singed nerf singed nerf singed nerf singed its been like this the entire season since they removed fervor of battle. nerf singed nerf singed nerf singed.

by Kostas011969 May 28, 2019