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Hobo niche

Small section of space where a person with no permanent residence is temporarily squatting.

We have a homeless friend staying under the stairs in the hobo niche.

by RainbowTaaiilll November 17, 2013


a word used to tell someone that they have a large or oversized chin. using the word, you are able to call someone it however it can be seen offensive to those who do have a big chin

''you have a massive nich''

by melonofdoom June 20, 2024

Niche Famous

Persons who are famous within a subset community but would not be considered famous in the mainstream. Sometimes world or globally famous, but only within their subset i.e. not a household name; Indie Famous; Cult Famous.

Bob: "Shawn Willsey is a legend. He's famous."
Jon: "Only in the small Icelandic amateur geologist world. He's Niche Famous."

by nightranchers March 20, 2024

Sam Nich

A gay faggot who probably has 10 sti''s which he got from his mum. Also someone who attends a school called weydon

Look at that Sam Nich over there no one likes him.

by Allhallower March 17, 2018

nich olas

Someone cool, short and tuff but also caring for his freinds

That guy is quite a Nich Olas

by HEYNICH July 7, 2022

Niche Brand Merchant

Ross Letcher

A man that only wears niche streetwear brands

Shit bru, that oke is a real Niche Brand Merchant. He's wearing koikoi, salt and float together

by NicheBrandMerchantfan March 28, 2023