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Nonsense November

To Live completely bonkers to take that extra miles of Nonsense November!

Aron: i starting to see and hearing "Nonsense November!"

Kimmy;l: wait? Do no Nut November?

Aron: it's Nonsense November!

Kimmy: oh! Got ya!

by anonymous_Wolfe November 8, 2022

Pretty nonsense

A pretty beautiful Fair lady who has nothing to offer in relationship, wey ein head die small

Most fair lady's ar pretty nonsense girls

by Official_Muruchini March 22, 2021

Governmental Nonsense

Nonsense as it pertains to the government.

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I couldn’t leave just the stick figure guy because it should include the word being defined. That’s governmental nonsense.

by Just another rando December 24, 2021

Governmental nonsense

Nonsense as it pertains to governments/policy makers/rule deciders.

I had to create an email address to create this definition, that’s governmental nonsense.

by Just another rando December 24, 2021

Cock nonsense

1. Doing something ridiculous for no apparent reason

2. Being a jerk for the sake of being a jerk
3. Erectile dysfunction under the age of 40

My kids were putting legos in the pots last night.

That is some real cock nonsense

by Bmcclure1 January 24, 2020

Straight nonsense

When straight people make fr no sense like how? why are they so...ugh?

Person 1: GAY IS A CHOICE!
person 2: When did you choose heterosexuality?
Person 1:I didnt.
Person 2: Neither did the gay person
Person 1: Yeah they did!
Person 2 : Straight nonsense....Ugh bye..

by AshCantFocus January 9, 2022

Nonsensical Dingbat

Someone who spouts of random nonsense that appears to sound intelligent, but rather the complete opposite.

"Did you see Crystal quoting scripture and how it somehow relates to God and homosexuality?"
"Huh? That girl is a nonsensical Dingbat}."

by HindertheJiner June 6, 2018