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nutsack pilled

Nutsack pilled is a term you can use to describe any action or any person that has done anything gigabased or something extremely admirable

Scrotum Joe: I just fucked a bitch and lit her house on fire

STD Bill: Nutsack pilled

by ThePope72 June 21, 2021

NutSack Rice

The dried up cum that sits on your nut sack after you blow a steamy load of spunk into your woman and keep pounding it so it pumps out on to your nuts and dries up

I think for desert she will have some NutSack Rice.

by FittyPat April 24, 2017

Nutsack rinsed

The washing of one's testicles in a shower or bathtub before heading on the larger, beer etc.

Nutsack Rinsed, nipping the pub now for the night with the lads.

"Iโ€™ll rinse the nutsack and look a million euro baby ๐Ÿ‘Œ"

by DG17 February 8, 2021

alaskan nutsack

When you take two frozen advocates in a plastic bag and put it on the back of someone's neck as if you were teabagging them

Guy1: dude my girl surprised me with an Alaskan nutsack last night I felt like I was in 50 shades of grey
Guy2: wtf

by Shrek_is_love666 March 24, 2015

4๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

quantum of nutsack

1. adj: a measurement of shlongs per eggs on the dance floor or at a party, measured in nibbles; 1 nibble for every dude per chick. As we know, math is quite an issue for this, so rounding is appropriate.
2. adj: also a large group of homosexuals...also on the dance floor

Herman: Hey Richard, what's the quantum of nutsack?
Richard: It's about 3 nibbles.
Herman: Would you call that a fest of sausage?
Richard: Why yes, yes I would.

by doolichard February 22, 2011

2๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Holy Nutsack

The result of keeping a pocket jesus in the front pocket of ones pants.

Would you like to lick my Holy Nutsack?

by Tyler November 20, 2004

6๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Nutsack Icecream


<3 in Facebook makes the heart. Everywhere else, it just looks like a Nutsack Icecream.

Sneaky way to say love without actually saying it.

Emi Nutsack Icecreams lamp.

by i.nutsackicecream.you May 19, 2010

4๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž