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One Bad Ass Motherfucking American

Obama just kicked Rick Perry's ass!

by babashkin October 29, 2011

3887๐Ÿ‘ 3480๐Ÿ‘Ž


The most amazing president America could ever ask for. People claim he has won because he is black and "all of us liberals" want a get out of racism free card. Wrong. He can make change, even if it isn't exactly the way the "sacred and perfect" John McCain would do it.

Guy1: Dude, did you vote for Obama?

Guy2: Duh, why wouldn't I? He's amazing! And I'm not just a crazy democratic liberal either to all those douchebags!

Guy1: Well said.

by SureImCrazyLiberal January 21, 2010

2387๐Ÿ‘ 2128๐Ÿ‘Ž


A man who had the potential to be one of the greatest presidents ever, if not for the dysfunctional congress he was stuck with.

Obama: It's time to allow the Bush tax cuts to expire. The wealthy need to pay their share.

Congress: NO!

Obama: Let's begin drawing down forces in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Congress: NO!

Obama: Let's give small businesses tax cuts to encourage hiring.

Congress: That was originally our idea, but now that Obama's proposing it, NO!

Obama: We must do something to...

Congress: NO!

Obama: Oh screw it, I'll just give you guys everything you wanted.

Congress: NO!

Public: *blames Obama for not getting anything accomplished*

by coffee_lover November 4, 2011

4215๐Ÿ‘ 3811๐Ÿ‘Ž


A well-intentioned president who, contrary to what the disaffected right-wing would have us believe, has actually made many accomplishments despite the craptacular state of affairs he inherited from his predecessor.

A president who (perhaps unjustifiably) has made sincere efforts at bipartisanship despite the unrelenting barrage of lies and bullshit from the right-wing attack machine who's only goal is to tear down his presidency at all costs, and the outright refusal of congressional republiturds to consider any of his ideas, even if said ideas originally garnered bipartisan support.

Notable accomplishments include:

Passage of the controversial stimulus act, which despite it's flaws, helped to curb job loss, improved our infrastructure, and saved many state governments from going bankrupt. Most economists believe we would be worse off without it.

Helped turn the economy around (the Dow was only in the 6000s when Obama took office)

Ordered the strike that killed Bin Laden, and implemented the drone strike policy that killed Bin Ladin's number two man and sent Al Qaeda running.

Passed health care reform, something many presidents have tried to do and failed. While it could have done more to bring down costs and less to appease the insurance industry, it was the best we could get in today's political climate, and it does bring America closer to the developed world in terms of health care.

And to the losers who are messing up the votes on the Obama defs, kindly fuck off and get a life.

To everyone else: don't believe any of the vote totals on these pages. They are being hacked! Yesterday, Obama-hating def 6189985 written by Star Destroyer 2 had 15 thumbs down and 0 up. Today (as of this writing) it magically has 60 thumbs up!! Likewise, def 6183602 written by coffee_lover had 16 thumbs up and 0 down, until today. Now it's 16 up and 47 down. I smell a Kochroach.

by not a dittohead November 11, 2011

4136๐Ÿ‘ 3740๐Ÿ‘Ž


obama- (adjective) is a word meaning good in essence. It can be used to describe something in a positive manner. Can be substituted for any word such as: awesome, cool, fly, kick ass.

"Mom can you make that pasta dish we had last week, it was obama"

"Hey Jeff those new kicks you have are obama"

by Dan Murphree February 22, 2008

2058๐Ÿ‘ 1837๐Ÿ‘Ž


An african american man running for president of the USA. He is runnin in the democratic seat against other democrats such as hillary clinton and john edwards.

If Barack Obama wins he will be the first black US president!

by Neo D. January 5, 2008

5801๐Ÿ‘ 5348๐Ÿ‘Ž


The next president of the United States. Barack Obama represents what is right in America, he keeps our dreams alive even in these tought times. Obama kicks ass, Hillary's ass, Mc Cain's ass, and all the assholes in Washington.

Hillary's been Obama'd in the Democratic Primary.

by Liberty Loving Liberal April 26, 2008

2093๐Ÿ‘ 1919๐Ÿ‘Ž