Shorthand for "Our Lord And Savior", as applied to Elon Musk, when speaking reverently about HIM.
Invented by a fellow named Markus Roder, mostly used by followers of the religion of MUSKANITY.
Has been used on Twitter over 1000 times, celebrated by the $TSLA community and mocked by the $TSLAQ community.
Usually combined with "LMHR" (Long May He Reign!), in a similar fashion as the "PBUH" (Peace Be Upon Him) is added to the prophet Muhammad's name in Islam.
"OLAS has been ripping the Wokies on Twitter again... think he'll buy the thing eventually?"
"Yeah, he sure is melting a lot of snowflakes lately, and I hope that continues. LMHR!"
When your best friends name is Emily and you love her
Hey did you know I'm a fucking olas
The most wonderful person ever who never fails to make me smile just the best
Ola is <3