You must not HAVE a brain if you're looking up what it means...
"That idiot over there must not have a brain. He's trying to drink a brick..."
"Brain" is a slang word to describe ones scrotum, usually used to describe a man named Sunho
Girl 1: Damn he has a really wrinkled brain
Girl 2: IKR i love it
Girl 1: When I put it in my mouth, it feels huge
Ant-eater Sunho
It's what Zombies eat. They like brains.
...Brains? ..braaaiinss...
A vital organ Liberal Leftists, UMNO (Uniting Morons National Organisation) supporters, PAS (Pedophile Association Semenanjung) lack
Oh look. Umno supporters trying to sound smart as if they have a brain
Bill: "Hey, Amy. You know I've got a big brain."
Amy: "Yeah, I know. Why don't you show me all the things it can do?"
something FNAF Fanboys don't have
FNAF Fanboys don't have a Brain