owo is human trafficking.
furry: *snuggles and pounces on you and notices bulge* OWO whats this?
quackity: "my non-existent dick"
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A fully capital OWO, unlike a lowercase owo or mixture of the two (OwO) is an English word that is an initialism of "Oral Without". In prostitution, this signifies performing oral sex on a man without using a condom.
This isn't the reason the weebs and the furries started using it, but it sure is a strange coincidence that the most popular use of it is the "OwO what's dis?" meme, depicting a furry finding a bulge in someone's pants.
OWO or OW?
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Another emoticon a weeb uses. If you see a friend using this on chat, unfriend them immeditely
"notices buldge owo whats this"
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The face you text your friends when they say something cool has happened like there pregnant or there dad is lesbian
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That annoying word your students use in class when they should be completing their work you assigned them.
Teacher: Hey Dave, how's that essay coming along.
Dave: owoooooo
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