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Though some might mistake this as a bullshit term the Army uses for exercise, it really means "Pain Train" and is synonomous for sodomizing girls/guys.

After John came back from the party, he announced "I just gave that bitch some PT ."

by HighClass March 28, 2007

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pt, short for "private twitter" is a secondary Twitter account that teenagers use to post naughty things, secret thoughts, and secrets that they otherwise wouldn't post to their public and open Twitter. These accounts are 99% of the time private as in the person who owns the accoount has to give you permission to follow it.

John: Bro, did you see Tori's nudes on pt yesterday?

Bill: yeah what a snake, I'd still hit it tho.

by Bitchpuller11 April 9, 2016

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Short for Plump Trump.

Yesterday in the lockerroom I saw allen naked, man he realy has a PT.

by Bobby Hardy March 15, 2003

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means Pregnancy Test

I am goin to get a PT

by Miss_Priss November 5, 2007

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Party. (Par-Tee)

I know of a quite a bit of pt's this weekend, and I know you don't haha.

by T March 14, 2003

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Positive Tip. Most often, "Dude, keep it on the PT" and delivered with a grin. Used when people are being haters or negative in general. Birthed in Ohio circa 2000 in response to people being overly cynical or being a buzz kill An obvious decendent of "Keep it on the DL."

(To someone who's speaking or acting in an overly negative way.) Mang, keep it on the PT. :-)

by Blackmac McKeever June 13, 2007

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Abbreviation for public transportation.

How you getting downtown?

Taking the PT.

by Urban Goddess November 11, 2007

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