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fog of perpetual confusion

Fog of perpetual confusion: a state of mind in which one simply cannot comprehend simple logic.

Aka: Chelsey Leanne Williford.

I tried explaining simple English to Mrs. Williford. The word was "yup." I sent her the urban dictionary meaning her response was "what???". "Fog of perpetual confusion"

by munkieflu March 6, 2014

perpetual motion squad

The team name from The Big Bang Theory. According to Howard Wolowitz, it is beyond the law of physics and, plus, a little heads for the ladies because they can go all night.

For an awesome team name, we should be the perpetual motion squad or pms for short.

by Wolowizard23 June 19, 2017

perpetual nae nae syndrome

You can only nae nae. Their is no end to the nae nae.

Life is hell.

The only attention you gather is from Twitter Users.


Doctor: I'd help you but, perpetual nae nae syndrome has no cure. Plus, I only use Reddit...

Nae Nae Guy: :(

by ICan'tStopPostingCringeOnMain January 19, 2022

Perpetual Vegetable

A vegetable that is beyond perpetual.

Did you see that concert last night where they threw perpetual vegetables?
I love me a good perpetual Vegetable

by CINNAMON JESUS October 16, 2023

Perpetual Cup

A cup in which you use daily so there is no need to clean or put away. Doesn’t matter the liquid the perpetual cup stays out for all to see.

The perpetual cup never goes tainted as it’s always used

by B00zeHound August 8, 2024

Perpetual Freshman Syndrome

A condition that affects 1 in 20 college students in which no matter how much older they get, they will always be a freshman.

Student 1: I talked to that senior Dave.

Student 2: Dave? He's a freshman dude.

Student 1: Isn't he 21?

Student 2: Yeah but he has PFS, also known as Perpetual Freshman Syndrome. He'll always be a freshman.

by Rytic June 15, 2013

Perpetual Victim

A person who is constantly facing some sort of hardship or traumatic experience whether true, self-inflicted or completely false. Typically a person is a perpetual victim for the sake of evoking sympathy from others or being the constant center of attention. These hardships are usually extreme and can be (but are not limited to) life-threatening sicknesses, family sicknesses, deaths, natural disasters, having to pay companies for products, IRS auditing, relationship problems, not being able to make money off of Games Workshop’s intellectual property, etc.

We used to believe Eric’s problems were legitimate, then I started keeping track & realized he’s never happy with Games Workshop or their products. He never actually pays Games Workshop for anything, instead using re-casters, 3D printers, and pirating many of their books. Now he thinks he’s a victim since the company is trying to restrict these activities.

Typical perpetual victim.

by BonBon1987 August 8, 2021