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Pile of Ass

(n.) Any bad-smelling scenario.

Dave: It smells so fucking bad!
Charley: Yeah no shit! It smells like a pile of ass in here!

by Ankylosaurus February 25, 2010

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Pile of shame

That stack games you purchased but never got around to playing. They are a monument to consumerism and a constant reminder of just how lazy you are as a person.

"Pile" refers to ancient times where games were purchased in cardboard boxes you could lend friends and not virtual versions you can't.

Also stack of shame, shelf of shame

- Hey man, it's the Steam sale, everything 95% off!

- Oh great, more stuff to feed my pile of shame.

by LexMajor1 May 28, 2020

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Pile of wank

Term used to describe a shit object, person, experience, place or feeling.

1. (when tired perhaps) damn i feeling like such a pile of wank
2. Dont trust claire she's a pile of wank
3. This film is a pile of wank

by Imak Hunt October 15, 2007

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lusty piles

consisting of two ladies, the lusty piles are a band of miscreance. they hail from the bowels of hell and are here to destroy all that is good and happy.
they sing about a stolen bicycle, which used to belong to satan. also, un-dead boyfriends are a popular choice for these two zombielike lovelies.

The Lusty Piles are a sweet band.

by piles of lust December 7, 2007

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puppy pile

A large pile of people of mixed sexes, cuddling and or heavy petting each other, usually with clothes on, but sometimes without. Not an orgy, usually done only by people who love and/or trust each other. Not always sexual, sometimes just a physical expression of love or endearment amongst multiple participants.

Originates from the carefree innocent love and romping play that puppies indulge in before they "know better."

So Sam and Lisa were in the corner cuddling when Sarah, Mike, John, and Tanya all joined in and it turned into a real puppy pile.

by AntonioC November 9, 2007

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Back to the pile

Refers to a big pile of men having sex with each other as a means of protest. Spoken when a group doesn't get their way. First used on an episode of South Park.

Don: Today they announced another movie with the word "Movie" in its title. They just won't stop making them.

Rob: Shit. Well, back to the pile!

by William Batson April 12, 2010

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pile driver

A pile driver is a mixed drink consisting of vodka, prune juice, and a dash of orange juice.

We were desperate as counselors at a summer camp; so we mixed vodka, prune juice, and orange juice to male pile drivers.

by Cranberry Bob February 8, 2020

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