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political correctness

The biggest excuse since canned cheese.

"We can't have movies like Blazing Saddles, or shows like Monty Python of Beavis & Butthead because of political correctness!! >.< watch, if I put up some movie with fucked-up humor, it'll be taken off not because it's racist or stupid or anything, but because of politics!!! >_<"

by Dave January 15, 2004

7223๐Ÿ‘ 461๐Ÿ‘Ž

politically correct

A polite way of telling people to stop being ignorantly rude.

You can't call people niggers because of their color, it's not politically correct.

by CoEvolution August 6, 2016

9๐Ÿ‘ 881๐Ÿ‘Ž

Politically correct

To be accurate, to name something with 100% corrective. It helps people not to be offensive in their terminology.

The guy who says "Only pathetically weak people that don't have the balls to say what they feel and mean are politically correct pussies." That is by definition, not politically correct. Only a weak pussy would say that.

It is politically correct to call fat people, overweight or obese.

by Sapphire Real January 3, 2017

6๐Ÿ‘ 2496๐Ÿ‘Ž

Political Correctness

P.Cor poltical correctness is a philosphy started by Social Justice Warriors that advocates for not saying certain things because they might be seen mean to groups seen as oppressed. Itโ€™s adherents (A large enough portion of society to effect it) think theyโ€™re being nice but in reality, they are preventing important truths from being told and killing every form of enterntainment it manifests onto (Which is most Hollywood Entertainment). When you break their speech codes they get triggered, try to make your life a living hell and get you fired and/or de-platformed. Two very good examples of this philosophy in action are on South Park when P.C Principal beats up Eric Cartman for calling Jared Fogle a spokesman instead of a spokesperson (below) and James Damore getting fired from Google because he said there are differences between men and women.

Political Correctness is cancer.

by Hot.rodz January 2, 2018

74๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Politically correct

Politically correct is a BS word made by Caucasians specially the males of that species when ever they get accuse of rightful racism against other groups .

Also used when they Complain the worlds โ€œtoo sensitiveโ€ but will start bxtching when they see a white women with a guy of another race or if you say something bad about trump or another favourite of whites is when you presume their gender .

Constantly bitches about how the worlds too sensitive despite the fact CM have the highest suc*de rate In the world lmao despite having this world built for them but Yh everyone else is too sensitive apparently. I already know this is gonna have more dislikes then likes merely proving what Iโ€™m saying is write lol!

Politically correct is a BS word made by Caucasians specially the males of that species when ever they get accuse of rightful racism against other groups .

Whites : constantly antagonises and labels all Muslims , blacks , Hispanics as evil

Those groups : โ€œstop calling us all evilโ€

Whites : โ€œstop being so Poilitically Correct โ€
Also whites : *starts crying and will then try to blow your head off if you say something bad about trump*

by Pepsilover_444 June 2, 2021

8๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

politically correct

Polite way of asking extremely rude, ignorant, nasty, uneducated people to shut their pieholes-as evidenced on this page alone.

Instead of being gutless pussies who can't find their words, most intelligent people inform the creeps that what they are saying is not "politically correct", rather than just saying STFU.

by CoEvolution August 6, 2016

9๐Ÿ‘ 302๐Ÿ‘Ž

Politically correct

Trying to make everything politically correct so it doesnt offend anyone is how you end up with cars with names like Solstice and Equinox instead of Cougar, Rocket, or Charger.

As soon as Charger or Challenger start becoming abusive or mean names for cars that have to be made politically correct, Detroit is going to be in worse shape than it already is since the 70s. That is progress, even if that's what a politician calls it (Democrat or Republican).

by Solid Mantis October 14, 2020

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